Never have I ever...

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Taehyung POV:
I sat in the massive room on the biggest king sized bed we could get and sulked. I wanted to be with Hosoek Hyung and instead I was stuck with Jungkook and my adorable Jimin but I'm still gonna act bratty.

At least the other two idiots were stuck with me jokes on them for laughing at my misery.

Jimin came and sat next to me saying "Tae don't sulk I can't see my alpha and my baby either".

I frowned and said "why can't you see Eunjae?" He sighed and said "Aunty Aera is mean and she said he's an alpha pup so he can't be with me".

He threw his hands up in the air and said "My bratty child is more than happy sleeping with his grandparents".

I held back my laughter at my future mother in law. That woman was crazy and I loved every aspect of her.

I mumbled out a little "You deserved it". And Jimin heard me loud and clear so of course he hit me.

Jungkook who had gone to get some banana milk looked at us both as he handed us some soft drinks and said "Wanna play never have I ever?"

Me and Jimin looked at him before nodding and we all sat in a circle on the bed.

Jimin began since he was the oldest "Never have I ever had a mental breakdown in university".

I was about to answer when Jungkook spoke up saying "Boring! Hyung really? Everyone's had that - university was shit".

Jimin rolled his eyes saying "You weren't even with us you were abroad. Also mr not so innocent you go first".

Jungkook rolled his eyes and said "Yeah I wasn't with you but I had my fair share of breakdowns. Anyways never have I ever had a boyfriend that isn't our dorks".

Jimin Hyung didn't drink and of course neither did Jungkook but I took a drink of my soft drink and avoided eye contact.

"Spill". Is all Jimin said and I sighed saying "A little thing I missed out when I was telling Kim Jimin my story on how I met Hyung was that when that shit show of a man played me and Hyung was trying to win me over I got another boyfriend in order to forget Hosoek Hyung".

Jungkook and Jimin screeched and I quickly covered my ears "The fudge wrong with your asses?"

They just giggled and next it was my turn "Never have I ever dominated my alpha".

Jungkook drank his whole carton of banana milk at that and me and Jimin looked shocked.

He was a kinky little shit though so never mind.

Before Jimin could ask I spoke up saying "It's your turn Chim.

And I don't know if Jimin was born in the wrong century but he was definitely acting like a grandpa.

"Never have I ever trolled someone on social media" he spoke up.

Just when I thought he'd say something dumb he comes out with this.

When me and Jungkook didn't drink Jimin did and this time it was us asking the questions.

"What did you do?" He smirked and said "I had this friend who was being stalked by our senior. So I pretended to be him and basically bullied the guy into confessing how much of a prick he was. Turns out many people were his victims and he ended up in jail".

We looked at him shocked and he just shrugged.

Jungkook took it from where Jimin left off and said "Never have I ever fallen asleep during sex"

No, By Choice... - soulmate AU (Yoonmin, Vhope, NamJinKook)Where stories live. Discover now