Let them enjoy the peace whilst it lasts right?

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Yoongi POV:
Once I had calmed down and collected my thoughts and scolded myself for letting my past take over as I went back to Fake Jimin's room.

As I arrived at the waiting room just before I could go in I noticed Jin Hyung sat outside. The minute he noticed me he glared at me and I knew a lecture was incoming.

"Why on earth did you do that? Why would you kiss him? What was wrong with you YOONGI?" People around us looked at him when he raised his voice and I calmly sat him down as I sat with him.

"Hyung, I don't know what happened. The only thing on my mind was Jimin. My Jimin. I felt like I was reliving that day. When I heard Jimin was okay I just couldn't stop myself from kissing him. I didn't mean to kiss Fake Jimin". I said his name with a bit of hatred and Jin Hyung smacked my head.

"Don't you dare hate that cute little omega just because he looks like my baby Jimin. The omega is your mate. It might be your second chance but it's still his first. Why are you hurting him?"

I sighed as I said "Hyung I'm not his mate, my alpha is mistaken because he smells like my jimin."

Jin Hyung hit me again and said "Your wolf might have got it wrong but his wouldn't have. Stop being so stupid. Not everyone is lucky to have a second mate and look at you".

I sighed again saying "I don't want another mate, you don't get it Hyung I'm happy".

Jin Hyung smiled and said "I know you more than you know yourself, you're not happy I see how much you long to be with someone and you have another chance. Don't repeat what you did before Yoongi please".

I let Hyung's words sink in and I knew I was being selfish, it hurt I won't lie...having someone tell you that you're making the same mistake again but I didn't know what to do.

"Hyung I do crave it but not anymore, I don't need to crave physical affection because I have Minjun. I have him now and I'm happy".

As soon as the words left my mouth I wish they hadn't. Fake Jimin heard the conversation and his eyes began to water. He didn't say anything but his body looked very weak. He himself looked like he would faint any second.

Seokjin Hyung looked me dead in the eye and said "You don't feel a thing for that omega Yoongi". I nodded still looking at Jimin and said "Yes, but I don't feel anything for him either".

The look on fake Jimin's face reminded me of all the times I hurt my Jimin. When I was rude for no reason and when I hurt him so much.

I don't know why I was doing this but I was and fake Jimin now stopped looking at me instead he turned to go back into the room but he couldn't because a sharp pain hit his stomach and he immediately dropped to crouch down and hold it.

He groaned in pain as Seokjin Hyung pushed past me and went to his aid.

He took him into the room as I followed suit and pressed the button to alert the doctor.

As Jin Hyung placed Jimin on the bed I picked Eunjae up who was still sleeping.

Jimin whined as he said "Give me my baby back". I looked at him shocked and offended but before I could protest Jin Hyung took a sleeping Eunjae from me and gave him to Jimin who held him against his body.

The image of the two together melted my heart and once again it cleared the mess that was going on in my head.

They look perfect together was all I could think.

The doctor walked in not long after and his examination showed that he was going through a pseudo heat.

"A Pseudo heat is when an omega meets their mate and they have a mini heat which does not involve mating but simply physical touch. Mr Jeon please get in the bed with your mate it will help ease his pain".

No, By Choice... - soulmate AU (Yoonmin, Vhope, NamJinKook)Where stories live. Discover now