You made him who he is today.

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Authors POV:
Jimin stood in the arms of his lover and he felt so euphoric - after years of battling with his anxiety thinking he never will be loved because that's how his parents made him feel he finally found someone he would do anything for.

Someone he's willing to give up his life for. Yoongi....not just any Yoongi, HIS Yoongi.

The feeling of finally being needed by someone was so overwhelming Jimin could have passed out but then he remembered he had far more important things to do then pass out like for example appreciate the time he had with his loved ones.

Call him dramatic all you want but that's how Jimin is and he no longer wants to change even if it's for the world because he's found his people.

He's found the people who will love him regardless of what people say or think.

Jimin, all his life had been told he was worthless, useless because he was born an omega which he had no say in by the way.

His parents were passive aggressive towards him all the time saying such hurtful and messed up things.

Jimin had undergone such harsh circumstances but he still came out to be such an amazing human.

It just goes to show that if you truly are a good person regardless of who or what hurts you there will never be a day where you hurt someone.

Because you know what it means to be hurting so why would you put someone else in that position?

Maybe that's the reason why Jimin never tried to hurt IU. No matter how much she hurt him he didn't hurt her.

As Yoongi hugged Jimin, the others slowly gathered around getting in a group hug until Mrs park broke it saying "How cute....the little hoe found his family. Listen here you filthy little omega you don't deserve them and you definitely don't deserve Yoongi. Look at him, a strong alpha who's rich and good looking. You? Well you're weak Jimin, you're not pretty even for an omega".

Everyone had broken the hug to look at Mrs park their eyes piercing right through her. How dare she say that?

The one person that was the most pissed off though was Jimin.

"You said so much mother, constantly defaming me and making me cry, hurting me since I was a little pup. Enough is enough! You didn't have to do the shit you did but you still did it. I'm going to ask you one final time WHY you did you do it. Then I want you out of my life forever. Away from my child and my family".

Mrs Park scoffed saying "Why are you acting like I want to be in your life?" Her statement made Jimin even more furious.

Mr park sighed and said "Maybe you should tell him. Tell the little bitch why we took him away from Yoongi".

Jimin flinched at his fathers words but still kept a firm face.

"We didn't want your happiness that's why. We observed you Jimin for a very long time. Since you began living with him. Since your stupid pregnancy. We knew it all. You were too happy. With that new Eomma of yours. How can you be happy with her when I never wanted you to be happy? So the moment we got the chance we separated you from him."

Jimin was gobsmacked. The reasons weren't even valid. He hated his parents even more than before now. "Such a stupid reason to hate me and do what you did. Those pills could have eventually killed me did you know that???"

The parents looks down in guilt as Jimin heard gasps from behind him.

"The fuck! Jimin is that true? I'm going to kill them". Yoongi spoke out.

Jimin put his hand up to indicate that Yoongi shouldn't do anything.

Instead he walked over to his mother and pushed her so she went backwards. The guards holding her let go knowing what Jimin was gonna do.

No, By Choice... - soulmate AU (Yoonmin, Vhope, NamJinKook)Where stories live. Discover now