The heavy truth and some jealousy???

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Yoongi POV:
I nodded to Jimin as he asked me to tell him Jimin's story. My Jimin's.

He had to know eventually right? He had every right to know.

"I'll tell you but not right now, your body is just recovering you need sleep so tomorrow morning okay? I'll tell the others too so you have every version of the story".

Jimin nodded at me as we both went over to the bed. Eunjae was nicely tucked in and sleeping soundly and Jimin just looked at him with so much love and adoration.

Just the way maybe his real Papa would have done, my Jimin.

I sat on the other end of Eunjae and watched Jimin casually play with his curly locks.

Then out of nowhere Jimin kissed his nose. I smiled at the interaction and then again out of nowhere Jimin said "I'm hungry".

That made me laugh out loud.

Jimin pouted and I continued to laugh saying "You're just like him." Jimin smiled saying "Yay another thing that's similar to Eunjae".

I shook my head not realising the effects of my words "No I mean like Jimin. You're just like him".

This caused him to mouth a tiny "Oh". I quickly understood that I may have said something he didn't like and said "Jimin...I'm sorry I don't mean to compare".

He shook his head and sighed saying "It's not that, I admire jiminshiii the only issue is that I can't help but always compare myself to him. When I'm with Eunjae I wonder if I'm being the best person for him just like Jiminshii would have been. When I'm with you I wonder how he would have been. Comparing myself to him is not good because I'm not him. Then hearing you confirm it is worse".

Then Jimin just slumped up on the bed and I could only curse myself for being so stupid.

"Jimin I'm sorry please don't be offended. Come let's go downstairs and get you some food". I spoke up and he just shook his head saying "I'm not hungry it's okay".

I cursed myself even more now.

"Well I'm hungry and I'm gonna go and make some ramen". I knew it would do the trick because I had heard him telling Taehyung earlier how he was craving it.

Instantly Jimin's foul mood turned happy as he heard ramen and he instantly forgot everything clinging on to me.

"I want ramen too so wait for me". Then he ran to the cupboard and took out Eunjae's baby monitor and set it up. Leaving one with Eunjae and the other with himself.

"Let's go". He happily mumbled and I instantly followed him with a big smile on my face.

We got to the kitchen and Jimin sat on the kitchen counter and said "Come on Mr Jeon you need to feed me".

I chuckled at his childishness and grabbed the pan to start the boiling water.

"I want ttboeoki in it too". He happily mumbled and I nodded as I also cut some fruit up for him.

"Eat this until food is ready you need the nutrients". He nodded as he started eating the fruit.

Occasionally he would throw a few grapes at me so I could catch it with my mouth.

As I made the noodles and rice cakes Jimin just looked at me and I smirked saying "Take a picture love".

The love slipped out but I didn't know it would have such an effect on Jimin.

He practically whimpered at the said pet name and I just looked at him as he looked away.

Then I got an idea, Jimin was sat in the kitchen counter and just behind him were the chopsticks box so instead of being normal and grabbing it from one side I went to face him and put my hands around his waist to grab the box from behind him. As I did so my face nuzzled into his neck and this time I heard a moan.

No, By Choice... - soulmate AU (Yoonmin, Vhope, NamJinKook)Where stories live. Discover now