He was almost forced to.

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Quick reminder: Mrs Jeon is called Mina, Mr Jeon is called Daejung, Mr Jung is called Yejun and Mrs Jung is called Aera.

Hoseok POV:
I didn't mean to snoop non of us did. One minute we were running up and down the corridors and the next we were stood outside of Jimin's door.

We thought they would be finished with their conversation by now but clearly not.

When we heard crying from the room clear panic was evident in my eyes just as they were in the other alphas.

We opened the door lightly just to make sure they were okay but what we saw was not something we expected.

There sat Jimin on the floor with Jungkook on one side and Taehyung on the other. Our little Eunjae was on Jimin's lap.

Taehyung was talking and we didn't want to invade but the tears kept us close to them.

I guess our inner alphas came out right? It was every alphas instinct to protect their omega and I could see it in everyone's eyes.

I mean even Yoongi Hyung looked panicked. Jin Hyung was holding him back so he doesn't run to them.

His eyes were fixed on his little family, Jimin and Eunjae.

I could tell that Yoongi Hyung saw Park Jimin in Kim Jimin. That's why he was getting so anxious seeing him in pain.

Yet a part of him knew that his Jimin was no longer here that his Jimin had left because Yoongi Hyung accepted that a long time ago.

He had to....he was almost forced to.

Then seeing Kim Jimin awakened a trauma he had burried deep inside. No matter how much he tried to think Kim Jimin wasn't his Jimin he just couldn't do it.

Hence the affection and then the hatred he showed to him.

Hyung wasn't really this cruel...I've lived long enough to know that.

Setting my attention back to the omegas I heard a story I was never familiar with.

One that made me hate myself for never understanding my omega and one that made me fall for him even more.

(This is telling Taehyung's story again so you can skip if you'd like)

"Many years ago when I was a teenager I met someone and he was everything young love could have asked for. Being an omega is never easy and I was the very few in my class so I always got either bullied on or hit on. I always prayed for my mate to come and save me from this but he never came. Then suddenly one day a new student comes to our class and his alpha pheromones are driving everyone crazy. I was worried he too would join in on the bullying but whilst everyone's eyes were on him...his eyes were on me. Just like that I fell in love with him. I don't know how it happened but I wasn't given any special love ever since I was kid. I only had Jin Hyung. Our parents were alway too busy to care for us so they just let us be."

At this point Taehyung had tears in his eyes and Jimin was holding him tightly because now Eunjae was in his uncle's lap hugging his pain away.

"When all you experience is bullying and someone then makes you their whole world you don't know what to do and my only defence was to fall for him. I really don't know why he did what he did but he found out about my mate mark and drew the exact same mark on his hand. Then he out of nowhere goes "I think we're mates". Then I obviously was ecstatic because my crush was my mate. He tried to get me to do a lot of things with him but thankfully I always refused. Jin Hyung always had a bad feeling about him but nonetheless I ignored him. We stayed together until we both got into uni it was the beginning of the semester when he snapped. He took me to a secluded corridor and forced himself on me. That was the same day I met Hoseok Hyung".

No, By Choice... - soulmate AU (Yoonmin, Vhope, NamJinKook)Where stories live. Discover now