In this very moment everything seemed a little bit okay.

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Jimin POV:
As I stood in front of the two women who are more than happy to judge me just on the basis that I looked like their Jimin I felt horrible.

Seeing Eunjae in such a vulnerable state increased certain emotions within me. My eyes were full of tears that had fallen and still ready to fall.

My body felt very weak and there was a stab at my heart which I couldn't push away.

Eunjae still held onto me rather tightly and almost as the little child knew that I was in distress and that was due to his Grandparents he spoke up saying "Halemoni why are you hurting Papa? First it was Apa and now you? Why won't you let him be? He's so nice and loves me so much. Don't hurt him".

I shushed Eunjae, normally I would let him express himself as much as he wanted to but today I didn't want him to.

His grandparents would think I was manipulating him in some way.

Yoongi Hyung who was silent this entire time spoke up saying "You guys didn't even let me introduce him to you. He doesn't know who you are and he's still staying so respectful even though you judged him so quickly. Jimin is really nice, he takes care of Eunjae very well and didn't you tell me every single day to find someone even just for the sake of Eunjae Eomma? Ammi? Now that I did you're doing this?"

The two mothers were lost for words but their husbands walked behind them and said "Aera you need to calm down. Jimin's passing affected us all but that doesn't mean you don't let anyone move on".

The other man said something similar "Mina you have to get to know him before just putting a label onto him".

The two women nodded and said "We will come back in a few days. We just need time to process it. We are sorry child we shouldn't have behaved this way".

Then the two started to walk off to the car with their husbands sending their apologies to me.

"It's okay, please don't feel the need to apologise I'm younger than you".

They nodded as they walked off behind them and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Yoongi Hyung walked up to me sensing something wrong which I myself couldn't sense until it happened.

I quickly passed Eunjae onto him and the child kept protesting to come back. I even told him "One second baby let Papa catch his breath".

The place began spinning around me and my head felt heavy as my eyes became blurry.

I tried to say something before my legs gave up and even though I lost consciousness before I fell I knew that they wouldn't have let me fall on the ground and in fact someone had caught me.

Authors POV:
Before Jimin could fall Jin was quick on his heels to catch him since Yoongi very well couldn't.

A series of "JIMIN!" Were heard and Eunjae even shouted "PAPA!" Relatively loudly startling everyone.

"What happened to him?" Taehyung questioned and Yoongi spoke up saying "I think today had a very bad effect on him".

They all agreed as Jin carried Jimin inside to yoongi's room and laid him down. They then called the doctor who said he'd be there shortly.

Eunjae sat by Jimin the entire time, his tears were uncontrollable and he refused to leave because then his Papa would be all alone.

Yoongi was in a similar situation to Eunjae, he was worried about Jimin he kept passing out and he could feel how weak Jimin was through the bond.

Yes, they haven't mated and definitely haven't even indicated that they will but since they are still mates they can feel these things.

Yoongi held Jimin's hand kissed it softly "please wake up". He mumbled and his brothers looked at him fondly knowing that it wasn't easy for Yoongi to do this and the fact that he was doing this was amazing.

No, By Choice... - soulmate AU (Yoonmin, Vhope, NamJinKook)Where stories live. Discover now