Fake Jimin

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Jimin POV:
I managed to make Eunjae eat a few bites of food. He was adamant on falling asleep but I knew I shouldn't let him not without eating.

Once he had eaten he nuzzled into my lap and held onto me tightly.

This child and his innocence was pulling me into him everyday.

He was mumbling something about feeling extra cozy and I smiled as I played with his soft locks.

He was on my lap facing me as I sat on the chair, his legs either side of me and face nuzzled into my neck.

"You smell nice uncwle". He mumbled and I chuckled at his cuteness.

He eventually fell asleep and I continued to play with his hair.

Eunjae was doing something to me. I couldn't understand what it was though.

The worst part was I looked just like his Papa which means me doing all of this was going to give the three year old the wrong idea.

Yes, Eunjae tried to understand that I wasn't his papa but how can a three year old fully comprehend the idea that there's a man who looks just like his papa but isn't him?

Me allowing myself to be this close to him is also very hard because I know how attached I get.

I let my thoughts carry me into a zone I didn't know I could get out of, my hand was naturally holding Eunjae tightly so amongst my dazed state I don't let go of him.

The other hand was softly lulling him to sleep by playing with his beautiful curls.

Eunjae was a pretty boy and he clearly went after his parents because first of all I look like his Papa and we're both pretty and his Apa - Gosh! His Apa is gorgeous.

I had one look at him that day and he was absolutely breathtaking even with tears in his eyes and the worry laced in his voice he was gorgeous.

The worst part and I know I keep mentioning this but Eunjae looks just like me. My intrusive thoughts take my mind to hazardous places.

Places it shouldn't be going because I myself have my own mate I should think of. So what if they're not here yet?

I don't know when it happened but it did. I was one minute holding Eunjae tightly and basking in his faint scent.

Then the next minute I was feeling overwhelmed because this is the life I've always wanted. I've always wanted a child and one like Eunjae who's so confident that it gives me peace.

Eunjae was giving me baby fever and I wasn't minding it. I didn't mind at all. He could call me his Papa whenever he wants to but I just want this child to always be near me.

These thoughts were not meant to be there and I knew that better than anyone.

Yet I let them be there. I allowed them into my mind and they nestled there so happy just like Eunjae nestled into my arms.

I eventually fell asleep with Eunjae. It felt nice having this child with me.

Yoongi POV:
I sat in the bathroom for a good ten minutes I didn't want to go there not when he was there. Not when he was acting like the perfect parent to my child.

He was able to make Eunjae do so many things that me nor my brothers could get him to do.

It was overwhelming but cute at the same time.

Deciding that it only made sense to go now and pick Eunjae up because any longer and I wouldn't be able to hold my emotions in I got up.

I looked at my face in the mirror and washed it. Looking at who I was in the mirror I sighed. How could I look like this in front of my child?

No, By Choice... - soulmate AU (Yoonmin, Vhope, NamJinKook)Where stories live. Discover now