Chapter 50

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Ella's pov

It's been 4 days since the accident and still nothing has changed and I'm honestly terrified that he's not coming back too us. His parents have been a lot. Oliver has been in with sav and flo as also come in a few times but they've all gone back home. Some of the drivers have come in with cards and balloons that say get well soon ect. Telling him about what's been going and how everyone is worry about him and waiting for him come back to bubbly, funny self again.

I'm trying not to lose faith but it's getting harder with each passing day. Every now and then I swear I feel him move or something but then I just think, with me not sleep properly it probably nothing. The baby has been active a lot, constantly having her legs or hands in my ribs.

Carlos has been messaging and ringing me, making sure I'm eating  and drinking enough and make sure Obvs the baby is alright and what not. Thankfully I've been sleeping okay which I guess as helped. The nurse that been keeping an eye on lando has also been amazing not just towards him but me too also making sure I'm okay and baby is okay so I couldn't be more grateful for her.

My phone started to ring and it's was isa so I answered it.

"Hey bab, I'm just calling to see how are you and if there's any changes at all to lan?" She says her

I sigh and look over at lando. "I could be better. No nothings changed, he's still out cold.. I keep thinking he showing signs that's he's going to wake up like little movements from his fingers when I'm holding his hands but I'm thinking that they may just be my imagination you know?"

" yeah I understand that, I don't even know how you're staying so strong. I know if I was you and that was Carlos in the bed I would have completely have lost my mind by now. He'll be okay though El he's strong." She says

I sigh again and shake my head even though I know she can't see me. "Everyone keeps saying that Isa and I know he is but I just- I don't know.. I really don't what to think.. I feel like he could potentially be giving up.."

"Lando give up? Are you crazy. That lad has so much to bloody live for he's about to have a beautiful family with in the next 4 weeks or so. He's got us lot, he still got so much of career left there's no way he'd do that. He wouldn't leave you I know that for a fact. You will be on of the main reasons why he wakes up." She say and I hear Carlos say something in the background but can't make out what it was.

"I know.. I know, it's just hard I'm sorry. Look I'm gonna go okay? It's late and I need to try and get sleep. Love you lots tell Carlos i send my love." I say

"Alright bab, I'll see soon. Let us know if any changes happen. We love you." She say and I end the call once saying bye.

I look at lando and kiss his cheek before getting myself comfortable. Pulling the blanket over myself I sigh quietly and hold his hands tightly and close my eyes. "I love you baby. Goodnight" I mumble quietly.


I wake up to someone squeezing my hand and a voice sound in the room.

"Baby? Ella wake up? Where- where are we? What happened?" His voice sounds through the room.

I look up at him and stand up quickly. "Omg you awake, you're actually awake!" I say with tears forming in my eyes. I smile widely. "One second baby" I say before I walk out to go and get the nurse. I smile and I can't stop smiling knowing that's he really come back.

The nurse comes in and starts doing some checks and explains to lando what had happened. How he had crashed and had been in some sort of coma.  I decided I better ring his parents and the other letting them know he's awake and stable.

"Hello ella? Is everything okay?" His moms voice comes through the phone. Sounding worries but also like she had been asleep.

"I'm sorry did I wake you. I apologise, but I'm calling to let you know that lando is awake. His vitals are looking good according the nurse they just need to do a few check and what not him. But he actually awake, he back with us" I say somewhat excitedly.

"We knew he would. He's strong Ella, he wouldn't leave us and especially not his soon to be own family. I knew you'd need him."

"Yeah you're right. Do you mind letting the rest of your side of family know he's awake and basically looking stronger then ever."

"Of course love. I'll let you get back in the room with him so you guys can talk and we'll be down in the morning. Send our love please sweet" she say and I smile

"I will do. I'll see you tomorrow" I say before ending the call. I walk into the room and I looked at him the tear that are free falling and I just stare at him.

He taps the bed for me to go over. "Come here baby" he voice a husky and deep.

I smile softly and sniffle and walk over to the bed and get on the bed and I don't wait I just kiss him softly but with so much love. He returns the kiss and puts his hand on my cheek.

I pull away and look at him. "Don't you ever, ever do that to me again mr. Do you know how scared I've been , how much I tried to keep all the faith I had. Praying to god that he'd let you stay with us." I say and look into his eyes .

"I'm sorry. I would never ever leave you baby not even for a second. I have so much waiting for me. I have you. I have our baby and I know you need to me. You both need me. I heard everything. Absolutely everything and I wanted to respond so much or just let you know I was okay but I couldn't I was just stuck in darkness." He says softy as he caresses my cheek rubbing his thumb over it

"Yeah the doctors said you'd be able to hear what we was saying and what not. But god you scared us so much."

"I'm sorry baby truly. I don't even know it happen it was the last and boom I felt the car flip and could smell smoke before darkness took over" he's say and kisses me head.

I just nod my head and smile a little just happy that's he's back in the land of the living. "Listen to me okay, I know you had a before and you've definitely got a during me but I promise this right now I'll make sure you never ever have an after me. Me and you until the end"

The Unintentional Attachment {Lando Norris}Where stories live. Discover now