chapter 11

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landos pov

After a 4 hour nearly 5 hour flight. I had finally arrived in California. Music playing through my headphones. Thinking about what I was going to say or do when I see her, or if she'll even listen and believe me. I prayed to god she did though, I need this girl.

Grabbing my bag and suitcase, I walk to the car I had hired and headed over to the hotel I was staying in for the next day or so. Charlotte had sent me the address over to where it was being held and the time id need to be there for. once we had arrived I thanked the driver and walked into the hotel with a little smile. Paparazzi taking photos and fans gathered outside. I never understood how they alway found out where we staying it was crazy. I'm still just a normal guy but I stopped to take some photos with fans and sign a few things.

once I was inside, I walk up to the reception to get myself checked in. Once this was done I walk to the elevator and go up to my room on the 4th floor. still thousands of thoughts running through my mind. I had tried messaging her again but I was just left on seen which hurt but it'll all be okay i'm sure. 

Walking into my room, I shut the door and place my stuff in the corner and look around the room. Placing my phone down and taking the headphones off, I go stand on the balcony look at the view that was gorgeous if I do say so myself. leaving the doors open, I walk back into the room my phone binging.

Maxie boy

maxie boy

Hey bud! im just checking in to see if you've landed okay.


Alr mate. yeah landed about half an hour ago. In the hotel now. 

Everything okay back home yeah?

maxie boy

Alright thats sound then. Yeah everything is alright here don't worry.

Just focus on what you've gotta do okay mr song writer 😂


Oh hush don't be jealous because i'm more skilled then you. 

I will do though, i'll keep you up dated bud.

maxie boy 

Alright mate no worries. Good luck mr norizz 😭

I read the last message and just shake my head at it and roll my eyes. After the flight I felt like I needed another shower so thats what I did. I showered and got myself sorted for tonight and praying that tonight goes my way and go is on my side.

once I was dressed and sorted it was about 20:30pm the show starts at 21:30, so I had an hour to get there and be in my seat ready. Sighing I grab my phone and walk over to the door, to the elevator and down and out of the hotel. Getting in the car and tell the diver where too.

I felt so nervous oh what could go down, my head was just all over the place. the way I was feeling now I hadn't felt in while. I get out once I arrive and go over to get my vip pass so im sat at the front with Charles,carlos and Charlotte. My phone once again goes off looking at it, it showed Carlos had messaged me.

smooth operator 

hello lan. We're inside and sat down. Did you make the right decision?

The show is about to start if you did.


alright no worries.

Thats all I said in reply to message. Putting my phone in my pocket I sigh and rub my face. I went to the toilet to try and freshen up and calm my nerves down... "it'll all be okay" I mumbled to myself. walking out the bathroom, I walk to the room where its being held.  I walk inside and got and take my seat next to Carlos.

The three them looked at me. Carlos shocked that I was truly telling the truth about how I felt and that I didn't just use Ella for my own personal gain. Charlotte looks at me and nod like a proud mom at me.

the lights go dim and voice sounds through the speakers. "hello and welcome ladies and gentlemen. Sit back and enjoy the show." they say. The music starts and the models start walking down like Kylie Jenner, Gigi hidid ect but the only one one I was looking for was my angel... 

Ella Rose Sanchez

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