Chapter 48

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Ella's pov
I'm on the plane with thousands and thousands of thoughts all running through my head. I didn't know what to think all I wanted is for him to be okay. If this so called God is real he won't take him. Not yet it's not his time. He has a family needs him and baby on the way who needs her daddy. I need him, I won't be able to o this by myself.

I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't even drink and I know I need for the baby but I just can't. Sickness just fills my body, I'm beginning to get a headache. I haven't been able to stop crying.

Instagram post, tweets and news articles are already being made and sending there thoughts but this means nothing if he doesn't make it. I chew my lip and look out the window. I just let the tears fall not knowing the state he's going to be in when I get there. I've already had thousands of messages come through from family, friends and just random people but I can't answer them.

I rub my stomach and take a deep breath. "He's strong, he'll be okay.. daddy won't leave us I know for a fact he won't. He knows we need him. That you need him princess" I mumbles speaking to the baby inside me. Sniffling I close my eyes.


After the 9 hour flight I felt so drained and wanted my bed but can't. I need go to him I need to see him. I grab my bag, I didn't even go home to get clothes so I have no idea what I'm going to do about that but I'm not even thinking about that right now just him.

I see Carlos standing there waiting for me and I run over to him and collapse in he arms. "I'm scared Carlos I'm so scared. I can't lose him. I need him" the tears just fall and the sob just fall from my lips.

"He's in the hospital nothing clear as of right now alert from his unconscious" He holds me tight as he can and kisses my head. "It's going to be okay, I promise you he's going be okay Ella."

Anger suddenly fills me "No me digas que va a estar bien! ¡No me hagas promesas que puedas cumplir!" I shout but not actually meaning to just everything is sending me over board. "I'm sorry.. i- I just need to see him Carlos"
(Don't tell me its going be okay! dont make me promises you can't keep!)

He kisses my head and holds me tighter and looks at me "I know you do, but we can't right now. We've been told to go tomorrow even his mom and dad were told the same." Carlos says his voice soft

"I don't care Carlos. I need to be there for when he wakes up. I need to tell him he needs to come back to me! He need to come back for our family." My heart feeling like it's breaking over and over again and just don't know how much more I can take. "If you won't take me, I'll take myself!" I say and push him off me going to get in the car.

"Ella listen to me. You need to go to the hotel, you need to sleep and go tomorrow. You going there tonight will not do any good and you know it" he says

"Carlos! You don't get it! He could potentially be fucking dying and I'm not there! I need to see him! Please Carlos.. please" I my voice breaking ever time I speak.

He looks at me and gets into the car and sighs. "Fine.. but I'm staying with you okay. Isa is with Charlotte and Charles anyways." He says and starts driving.

The car ride is silent just filled with my sniffles and quiet sobs. Looking out the window I wish it was a dream again. I wish none of this was real. If I lose him, I'm going to lose myself. I look at my phone and scroll through pictures of me and him. The tears falling on my phone making it and wipe it quickly. "Please don't leave me" I mumble.

{some of the photos just for ideas of what I mean}

{some of the photos just for ideas of what I mean}

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