chapter 16

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Ellas pov

We were in the Nissan Gtr  that he'd rented for us.  Sitting in the passenger seat, I look at him and smile softly and he turns to look at me chuckling. "what" he chuckles while raising a brow at me. I just shake my head at him.

"Nothing don't worry hun" I just say before looking ahead and connecting my phone to blue and playing my favourite song at the moment. It just gets me such a feel good mood if I do say so myself. Lando starts the car and starts driving to wherever he's booked tonight. "I am so getting one of these cars, since being little I had always dreamed of it especially when I saw it the fast & furious" I smile and nods

"For starters you won't need your own car, you're going to be my passenger princess.. Oh and so you were a Brian o'conner sort of girl then hm?" he smile and puts his hand on my thigh and I smile softy. Just little touches like this he does sends thousands of butterflies to erupt in my stomach. 

I smile and look at him "oh I still am trust me, like rest in peace Paul walker. I'll always be a Brian girly" I look ahead "plus I still need my own car silly, what happens if your not around hm and I need to be somewhere important." I say really curious about what his answer would be.

"well lets be honest 9 time out of 10, you're gonna be with me at races or at least I hope so anyways.. Then when the break season comes in we will hopefully be together and if not just know ill be taking you as much as I can." he answers and I just stay quiet for a few seconds 

I didn't know what to actually say.. Did he really mean absolutely everything he was saying. Did he seriously want this with me... After zoning back in I look at him and smile. "you already know ill try and be at every race possible supporting you and cheering you on but you know what even if im not there just know ill be doing from home. Just like I do with Carlos and Charles" I smile at him as he pulls the car up in a space.  "and of course ill spend my  free time, even though its not been long but like you said yesterday. I want this, I want you lando" he just looks at me and smile softy and gets out and comes round opening the door for me and helps me out of the car. Paparazzi once again around and snapping photos. I kept my head down and holding onto lando as he guided us through to the restaurant. 

Thoughts rushed to my head. Thinking about when the media find out and all the fans find out, was I going to get loads of hate.. I mean me and lando aint even together and ive already had easy comments and messages from them crazy fan girls. I try not to let them bother me but the do more then id like them too. however, I know what I want and im not going to let some little 14 year old girls scare me off.

He takes my hand before opening the door for me and I smile at him. "thank you" I say softy and walk to the desk with him as he speaks to the person there and she's leads us to our table in dimmed corner. Pulling out a seat for me, I smile softly once again thanking him. He then sits in front of me and smiles.

We order our drinks, neither of us wanting to drink any sort of alcohol beverage. Lando just had a coke and I had a J2O. I smile as I look at him, he's takes my hand softly and rubs his thumb over it seeing as I looked some what on edge.

He spoke up and smiled as he did so. "Sooo miss Ella rose Sanchez hm, tell me things about yourself and then I shall do the same" he says quiet but loud enough so I could hear him.

"well what do you want to know for starters" I say and he just shrugs 

"I want to know everything there is to know about you beautiful" he answered back

I just nod and smile and look at him. "Right okay so you already know my full name, you know my brother is Carlos of course" I chuckle then continue "My mom passed away  when I was about 10 maybe 11, so I went to leave with my dad until I was about 18 before I used the money my mom had left me to buy a house in Monaco" I smile again taking a few swigs of my drink.

Lando just looked at me and listen to every single word I was saying to him with made my heart flutter he nodded before speaking "im sorry about your mom but im sure shed be so proud of you and Carlos and how far you have both come. I know I am" How on earth am I meant to not fall for this man he's just.. he just perfect. He speak up again "anyways come on! I need to know more im curious"

I chuckle a little and look at him as I was about to continue the waitress came over and was giving lando the eyes and clenched my jaw a little a pang of Jealousy hitting me. I cough and start talking  "hi. yes I would like the lasagne please with a side of garlic bread." I give her a fake smile with just giving me a little nod and then I look outside the window as I hear lando ordering his.

She walks away and lando just burst out laughing. I look at him and raise a brow at him. "what is so funny?" I say

"You and your Jealousy. You near enough scared the poor girl." he laughs and squeezes my hand.

I roll my eyes and look at him. "well, she shouldn't have been giving you the 'I want to fuck you so bad" eyes then. She could see you're here with someone, It just wasn't very professional of her." I shrug and this just makes him laugh more making me shake my head act him and smile. That smile of his was just to contagious.

He shakes his head finally calming himself and he squeezes my hand. "you have nothing to worry about okay. I promise you." I smile as he squeezes my hand again. "anyways come on carry on telling me about yourself." 

So that is what I did and he did the same as we eat and just enjoyed in each other presence. The whole night just flew by. I could tell I was falling for this man and I couldn't stop myself even If I wanted too.

The end of the night had come or so I had thought but he drove us down to the beach and he stopped. "why on earth are we at the beach?" I say confused 

'"Well I was thinking we could go down and watch the sunset" he says "then maybe go for a swim"

"yes to the sun set, no to the swim you can though" I smile ad chuckle but as I looked at him he had this mischievous grin on his face and just shake my head. "Whatever you're thinking. Don't" I say seriously before he gets out and opens the door for me. He takes my hand and helps me out and we walk down hand in hand to the beach. 

Feeling nothing but inner peace.

We come to  as top as we reach the the shore and I look up at him and I smile softly. "ive really enjoyed this, tonight, being here with you... I can't wait for date number 2" I smile more and look at him.

he just smiles at me and a little spark shows in his eyes. "so there will be a date number two?" he says sounding happy and excited. I chuckle and nod at him. "perfect because I want another date too but hopefully you're still sure in a bit" he says looking mischievous again.

I just shake it off thinking nothing of it and sit down on the sand and he strips to his boxers and runs into the water and dives under and start swimming. little 

Tonight really had been perfect. The restaurant had made sure nobody would come over and disturb us. The paparazzi were eventually sent away with I was grateful for. Overall I couldn't have asked to have spent my night any other day or with anyone else other then lando. Words couldn't even add to what he was already meaning to me. He truly was everything if not a girl dreams off meting one day. 

Im so zoned out until I felt lando pull me up and pick me up bridal smile. He ran into the water throwing me in and I can here his muffled laugh as my body hits the cold water. kicking my legs I come back up the service and look at him.

"Lando Norris. You are a child." I say shaking my head and shivering. lando start swim over to me.

"thats why you love me though" he says back grinning cheekily at me and I just look at him and scoff a little.

"Love is strong word. I dont think im feeling that -" I was cut off by lando pulling me close and kissing me softly and I only take a few seconds to kiss him back. He wraps his arm around my was it as I wrap mine around his neck. I smile I to the kiss.

He pulls away and I already miss the feeling of them on mine. "I could be crazy for saying or even asking you this but I dont care. My parents always told me to go after what I want but mines not a what mine a who... and it you Ella. So will you make me happy and be my girlfriend?" he ask leaning his head against mine.

{oop bit of a cliff hanger there but I thought it could do.. will she say yes? will she say no? I mean shed be crazy to say no but I guess we'll wait and see hm?}

The Unintentional Attachment {Lando Norris}On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara