chapter 14

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ellas pov

I woke too the sound of a phone ringing, I go to move but feel i'm once again angled up in someones arms. I turn over to be meet with lando sleeping peacefully, his hair a little messy and he just looks so calm and relaxed. Yawning I look at the phone to see who was calling me and it was my manager Maura. I sigh and slowly get out of his arm and walk out on to the balcony and lean against it.

"hello maura, to what do I owe the pleasure of this early morning call?" I speak quietly but still so she could hear me.

"Ella, good morning.. How are you? I was just ringing to say well done for last night, you did amazing out there. Also I have been emailed to see if you could go to London and do a little bit of modelling for the pretty little things website and boo hoo as they have a new line of clothes coming out for summer. What do you think?" she says her voice chirpy too chirpy for it being so early in the morning.

I hear movement coming from inside the room and I thought lando must be awake wondering where I had gone. He walks outside and feel his arms hug me around my was it from the back. I smile softly feeling warm and safe with his arms being around me. I lean into hm a little.

"yeah okay! i'm down for that. When do I need to be there for?" I say, deep down hoping it wasn't during the Hawaii trip or during in a race weekend because I really wanted to be there not only for Carlos but now for lando.

her voice sounded through the phone. "well really they need there as soon as possible. I can sort the flights out and where we will be staying as ill meet you at Manchester airport and ill sort a car out that will driver us there. Shooting start on the 20th of June so preferably you need to be in London a day before or so. Also, im not sure how long it'll being on for either."

I close my eyes as lando presses a soft kiss on my neck and I sigh. "Yeah okay.. ill be there dont worry, this better be worth it though Maura I swear. I'm going to be missing out on time to spend with my brother and other people. Then even missing the next race that I wanted to be there for." I say.

"yes, yes I understand that but I promise it'll be worth it. Between me and you the pay you'll be getting with make it well worth you time and i'm sure they'll understand. Just like if the roles were reversed." she says her manger tone coming in.

"yeah, yeah okay. let me know when my flight is and i'll be there then meet in at Manchester. Thank you for letting me know. ill see you soon." I end the call and sigh turning round so i'm facing him.

He looks down at me with a sad smile and I sigh again. "Good morning beautiful, I thought you had done a runner again."

I just chuckle and shake my head. "mm good morning and I have no reason to run away from you at least not this time." I chuckle again and lay my head on his chest.

I smile and just enjoy his presence. Then his voice spoke again. "what was the call all about?"

I smile and sigh. "i've got to go to London to do some photos shoots for pretty little things and Boo Hoo"

"Well that great then isn't it? Why do you keep sighing?" he chuckles and smiles.

"Well because, Ive got to go tomorrow so i'm there for the 20th and she doesn't know how long it'll go on for.." He just nods at me and I continue "Which then means, i'm going to miss the holiday we was all meant to go and I might not be at the next race in Monaco." I look up at him.

He just looks at me and pouts a little. "I was really hoping you'd be here...perhaps in the Mclaren. Supporting me cheering me on in and off the track" he grins cheekily.

I sigh and look at him. "ill make it up to you I promise okay?" I grin a little. "im looking forward to tonight though if thats still going ahead."

lando just looks at me. "of course im still taking you out angel, id be crazy not to." he laughs as we walk into the room.

I just nod and smile at him. "okay well im going to my rom and ill see you later on tonight okay?" I lean up and kiss him softly before pulling away and grins.

"bye beautifu"l he smiles as I leave the room and go to my own.

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