chapter 39

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Ellas pov

We pulled up out side his parents after a few and we look each other with a smile. I felt nervous, I mean of course I would be, I want my boyfriends parents and the soon be grandparents of my child to like me. "Ell you're gonna be fine okay?"

I just look at him and then look down at my stomach. "what if they don't like me lan, what if they dont think im worth even being with their son. What if they hate me just like most of your fans." I say and keep looking down.

He looks at me and i feel his eyes on me. "Baby its all a what if, and I know my parents they definitely will not hate and definitely not our baby. I promise you okay" he says and turn my head to face him and lean over and kiss him softly before pulling away.

"okay, lets do this.. Lets go tell them they're gonna be parents" I say and smile at him and we both get out the car and he walks round taking my hand as I grab the box and we walk over there door.

Lando knocks on the door then he squeezes my hand. "It'll all be okay angel" he mumbles before the door opens and we see the face of his mom then his dad coming into view. I smile them both.

"oh my baby boy his home safe and sound" his mom says pulling him into a tight hug and I just smile.

"yes i'm here safe and i've missed you loads but I have someone to introduce you too. I think you'll love her nearly as much as I do." he says with a little laugh and pulls away.

"well come on in and sit down." she says as she sends me a little smile.

We all walk in and go into the front room and all take a seat on the sofa. I smile a little and look round. "You've got a beautiful home cisca" I say softly with a little smile.

"Thank you hun, its Ella isn't it?" she looks at me with a smile

"Yeah thats me Ella Sanchez its lovely to meet you both, ive been told a lot about." I smile softly at her.

"Oh really? I hope all good things" she laughs a little and I nod.

"oh don't you worry it all good things. He adores you" I say softly subconsciously placing my hand on my stomach as the conversation just flows when there's a knock on the door and in walks Oliver, his wife and two baby girls. I smile at them and happy the little family look.

They walk over and with give lando a hug and then come over to me. smiling a little his brother comes over giving me hug. "its Ella right?" he asks with a genuine smile.

"in the flesh" I chuckle a little and look at him hugging him back. "its a pleasure to finally met you." I add on the end and he smiles at me. Then sav walk over and smiles softly.

I smile back at her and give her a little hugs before they sit down. I smile at the two girls they're absolutely adorable I thought to myself.

lando took a whole of my hand as the two girls came from out the back garden after just chilling.

flo smiles at everyone in the front room and sits down he other Side of my and smiles a little more. Cisca sits down on the single chair and also sends me a little smile and smile back at her.

lando started speaking "right okay, now that we are all here.. Me and Ella have some news to tell you all and trust me it may come as a shock because I know it definitely did to me." They all look at him and then at me and his mom instantly started smiling. Lando takes the boxes and passes one out to the correct people and they look at them and then us both.

"Go on open them, we haven't got all day" lando says with a chuckle and takes a hold my hand and giving it a squeeze.

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Everyone just  looked up at use shock written on each and everyone of their faces and I couldn't help but smile

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Everyone just  looked up at use shock written on each and everyone of their faces and I couldn't help but smile. "Surprise, your family is growing" I say and smile.

Adam looks up ate me and smiles and walk over hugging me "Our family Ella, you are now apart of it and even if you two dont work out you will away be apart of him." he says kissing my cheek making me smile.

"Thank you Adam that means a lot and its nice to know this one here cant ever get rid of me" I laugh a little

"im going be an Nanna again! oh my!" landos mom says with tears going down her cheeks and she comes over and hugs me and lando. "Congratulations. Another one of my babies having his own babies" she says as she she hugs lando tighter.

I smile at them. "How far along are you?" Flo asks with a smile that doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

"We are coming up to  3 months so we've got the baby bump thats for sure. Lan cant leave my stomach alone" I chuckle a little and look at her. 

"can I?" she ask motions to my stomach and nods.

"Yeah yeah of course" and lean back at little so she can come and have a a feel. She comes over and places her hand on my bump and smiles and gives it a little kiss. 

"This is amazing, im going to be the best auntie little one.. I promise, mommy and addy say no, you come me and ill say yes" she laughs a little and goes back to her seat. "this really is amazing guys. You've gotten lucky with this one lan. Do not mess it up" flo says giving him a serious look.

"Dont you worry flo, shes stuck with me now. One day shes going to have a ring on that finger and shes then definitely mine for life. I've honestly never felt like about anyone." lando says and kiss my head.

They all laugh and we all get into conversation about living arrangements and baby names and the nursery and what lando is going to do about racing and raising a baby.

I get a text messaged I look.

unknown number

Missed me? I know ive missed you and ive heard youre pregnant now. 

I will get you back one way or another. 😘

I swallow and looks at lando who is smiling and talking about the past and the races and his wins lately.

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