chapter 30

367 11 4

Ellas pov

I wake up but i'm not on the couch like  was when I fell asleep. I was back in bed wrapped in lando's arm. I shake my head out, get out bed carefully. I go to the bathroom to use the toilet and brush my teeth and put my hair in a messy bun. I get dressed and walk downstairs to the kitchen to start making breakfast. I was still pretty pissed off with Lando thinking I'd ever cheat on him. i'm not just some slag. 

I make a fry up for me and him in hope id be able to keep it down. I sigh when I hear him walking downstairs. He walks into the kitchen he come up to me but I got to pull away as he tries to pull me into him. "don't please ell. I don't want fight with you."

"well you should have thought about that before thinking I was sort of slag that would fucking cheat on you" I say clenching my jaw looking up at him. "i've told you, I want you and only you. why can't you just believe that."

He looks down at me and sighs "I know, I know okay. I just dont get why both you and isa were acting so shifty and stopped talking when you heard me come in" he says.

"because lando, it was girl talk okay? Im sure you dont want to know about Carlos and isa even I didn't but shes one of my bestfriends so I have no choice but to sit and listen! whether you want to believe me or not that you choice." I pull away from him." just eat your food" I scrap mine in the bin not even wanting it anymore. He just stares at me and go into the living room and sit down. 

I hear him sigh and mumble to himself. I message isa and Charlotte asking them to meet me because with my hormones all over the place I could kill this boy seriously.


Ellas angels 💞

Hey girls, hang out today? I need to get out of the house 

like now before I kill him. ill explain when I see you x

isa xx

yeah im down, Charles and Carlos have some stuff to do together anyways. x

Charlotte xx

yeah thats true! Meet at the cafe we always go to? x

yeah okay. ill see you soon x

I stand up and grab my purse putting my phone in the bag and put my shoes on. "Lando im going out. Do whatever, if you go make sure you lock the door" I say and hear him say something back so I wait and he walks out the kitchen and leans on the door frame.

"are you seriously about to walk out while we are in some sort of argument?" he says and I just scoff at him.

"yes lando I am! im not gonna sit here and deal with your petty bullshit and if your think im a god damn cheat fucking dump my ass and dont contact me again." I say dead seriously

He just stares at me and doesn't say anything. "when you get back, we are talking about this whether you want to or not." he finally says and just shake my head 

"dickhead" I mumble and walk out slamming the door and getting in my car and driving down to the cafe. Like who does that lad think he actually is. Yeah maybe I haven't been completely honest but that because I have my way i'm going to tell him about the baby. He probably won't even care he'll just upon and leave. Im so angry I can't think straight, my head was spinning with thoughts.

I hit the stirring wheel and shake my head. I park my car and get out walking inside ignoring the Paparazzi but saying hey to a few fans of my own for once. I walk in and sit down waiting for the girls to show up. I order myself a hot chocolate and sigh. these hormones need go away seriously.


10/15 minuets later the girls walk in together and hey their heys and hug me. They sit down and order and I go through absolutely everything. They're just shocked like they literally don't know what to say.

"what a dickhead, surely he knows you wouldn't fucking cheat on him like come on. Its you. Youre in love with him for god sake." Charlotte says shaking her head

"well to him, he think the same way the fans do. I'm just some slag" I shrug and drink some of my drink.

isa just looks at me and take my hand. "you're far from a slag anyone with eyes can see how obsessed you are with that boy. Hes just acting like a moron" she says 

I just nod and sigh. "I love him guys like seriously I do and I want nothing but to have this family with him"

they both just nod at me understanding 

"have you  told him you love him yet?" isa asked I shake my head. 

"we've said love you or love ya but not I love you." I answer back

Charlotte then adds in "maybe you need to tell him that then. You need both sit like adults and talk about it properly. Not one of you leaving, nobody shouting. Just talk sensible people." I sigh and close my eyes. I just nod my head.

We carry on with general chit chat and then it was time for us to leave all of us get back home.


I got in then house, and nobody was home. I sigh and walk uo stairs and get changed into my night dress and get into bed and out Netflix on. so much for us talking.

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