chapter 12

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ellas pov

Standing there waiting for my turn to walk down the runway felt like forever. Looking round at the other models and talking to Gigi quietly trying to some what calm myself. All the top models where walking down and next was Gigi. My heart was in my throat my hands shaking with my adrenaline on the go. "this is man time to shine" I mumble.

I look up as im called, showing it was my turn to. I got into my position and looked straight putting on a little smile. I start walking down the runway, my eyes on the front where they are met with a familiar blue eyes that I already knew to well. My nerves now get worse but I keep going and look at Carlos, Charlotte and Charles giving them a smile. 

I couldn't help myself, I looked back at him where he had his phone out taking pictures and he smiles out me. he mouths to me "You look amazing babygirl" I just know my cheeks heat up from this. I stand at the bottom doing little poses I was meant to do just like I had done In the practise walk.

All I could think about was, why on earth was he here. He had no reason to even be here. Was here just to make me feel more shitty then I had already felt because of what happen? I swear somebody has it out for me. I turn round and start walking back my hip swaying a little. whistling can be heard but I don't dare look back to who it is. 

I walk into my changing room and sit down getting a drink of water and close my eyes. As im getting changed I hear a knock on the door and someone walk in. Gigi is that you? I need to tell you someth-" I paused and looked at him. Lando.

I just stare at him half naked nearly." hey babygirl" he says softly.

 I put my trouser back on and look up at him. "What are you doing here lando? Decided you want to come tell me how much of a mistake it was. How it shouldn't happened. I understand okay. you dont need to come here trying to make me-" he cuts me off.

"Ella will you just be quiet for a second and let me speak please" He walks closer reaching out for my hands but I pull them away and turn my back to him.

"what could you possibly have to say lan? Seriously? that I not your type blah blah blah" I hear his foot steps get closer until he's stood behind me and pull my into him and turn me round so he can put his hands on my cheek.

"listen and listen closely Ella. Then you can have your say okay?" he says softly as he caresses my cheek and I just nod.

"From the day I first bumped into on the paddock it wasn't the first time I saw you and it most definitely wasn't an accident either okay, I just made it look like it. I wanted no I needed a reason to speak to you El, otherwise I thought you wouldn't have given me a second glance. Then when I saw you at the in the crowd I knew, I knew you was looking for me was you not?" he says and I just stay quiet and look down for him to only lift my face to look at him. "thats why I ran over to you first before anyone else."

"I needed to get to know you more that why I got your number of Charles to add you to that chat but also just to send you a message to see if you'd reply. That night out when I saw sticking up for yourself and you mom, I saw how strong but fiery you are and I want all of that. You may not see it but everyone with normal eyes can see how drop dead gorgeous you are! That night was not a mistake and I most definitely do not regret it Ella. I would happily do it again and again" he smirks a little more. " I understand if you think its a mistake and if not ill back off but-"

I didn't need to hear anymore because I didn't want him to back off. I stood on my tip toes pulling him down and kiss him softly my hand in his hair. A few minutes later we pulled away trying to catch out breath. I finally spoke up my voice soft and quiet "That night was not and never will be mistake to me lando. The way you made me feel that night, was something i haven't felt before. then I saw your face in the morning and you just looked like you regretted it lan.. I was scared you'd reject me that why I ran and didn't look back."

He just looked at my like I was crazy "are you stupid?" he chuckles and I look at him. "You're fucking amazing Ella rose, you are my breath of fresh air babygirl. I want to get to know you more, I need you Ella and I know it may sound stupid with us knowing each other about 4 day or so but I really do not care." he says 

He pulls me closer to him and he kiss me softly his hands on my hip. "You are my angel" he mumbles as he kisses my head.

{OH MY! im screaming these two are just so damn cute! let me know what you think hope you enjoy! }

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