chapter 23

374 11 8

Ella pov

{Three weeks later}

Turns out I was in London for a lot longer then I should have been but that was thanks Maura getting me another shoot, then our flights being delayed but thankfully I haven't missed the full race weekend. I only missed Friday but i'm on my way there right now and nobody knows that i'm coming apart from Charlotte, Landos PR and my Charlotte who helped me sort it all out. To everyone else i'm stuck in London still but watching from home. However, i'm not alone I've got isa with me.

I look at her and she's sleeping peacefully and to be fair I couldn't blame her. I should be doing the same thing but i'm way too excited to sleep. The amount i've missed Lando has been crazy to me, didn't think I could miss anyone else as much as ive missed him. Sure I miss Carlos when I dont see him but I dont know.. This is just different.

I look out the window and sigh. Closing my eyes, I sigh and put my earphones in. Thoughts of lando sending me into a quiet dreamless sleep as we travel from London to Austria.


3 hours later we are woken by the flight attendant say we had arrived. Isa was already awake and getting her carry on bag. We get off the plane and go grabs are bags and straight to char who was picking us up. We wait for her and then we see the car. I've been feeling sick over the last few days and throwing up nearly every morning and it was seriously killing me off.I think its something I ate when we went our for a meal and I dot think its agreed me. 

Charlotte runs over engulfing me into a hug." Hello angel, how i've missed you sooooo much" char said kissing my head with a smile. "You looking stunning by the way" she then says

I smile at her and kiss her cheek back "i've missed you to but i'm here now and hopefully not going anywhere soon." I smile and then look at her. "Lando still doesn't have a clue does he?" she shakes he head at me and smile. "god I can't wait to see him"

chalotte speaks up "trust me he's done nothing but whine like a baby since you've gone and then we didn't him for about a day or so when you called him that night drunk." she says with a laugh 

I laugh and shake my head. "don't even remind me..god I dont know ill face everyone" I chuckle then look at isa "anyways char this is isa she's lovely and you're gonna love her just as much as I do" I smile.

isa smiles "hey, Ella has told me a lot about your can't wait to get to know you better honestly.the same with others I can't wait to meet them." she nods and smiles as she speaks.

Charlotte chuckle and pulls her into a hug."well now you're  pure apart of the group and we hug all the time" she chuckles. We all talk a little bit more before getting In the car and heading the hotel where everyone is staying.

Half an hour later we arrived at the the and had gotten our selves checked into our rooms. Me and isa where sharing to make it a little cheaper. I smile. "right we need to get to this race-" im cut off may the sudden need to throw up. I run to the bathroom and throw up everything ive eaten today, my eyes watering and mascara smudge down my face.

Charlotte and Isa come in the bathroom. Isa holds my hair my hair back rubs my back. "its alright babe. Get it all out your system.. You're gonna be okay." she says softly.

isa looks at Charlotte. "she's been like this for last week maybe two or so.. At first we thought it was something she had eaten but surely it can't be?" she says worriedly "and she won't go the doctors or anythings."

"Guys im fine okay. I'll be fine I promise. Let me just get sorted and we need to get to the race. I wanna see lando." I get my toothbrush and brush my teeth and sort my face out. 

I can hear the girls talking but seriously they need calm themselves ill be fine. its probably just a stomach bug of some sort. I walk into the bedroom.

Charlotte looks at me and crosses her arms. 

"dont look at me like that, you look like my mother when I did something I shouldn't have. whatever you're thinking its probable not." I say before walking out the room.

Charlotte follows behind me with isa. "did you and lando at least us protection because I know you're not on any birth control." I just look back at her and keep walking till we get out of the hotel and back into the car.

"im not pregnant. I can't be.. it'll ruin everything" was the last thing I said.

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