☾ Anniversary ☽

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A/N: Hiyaaa!! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day/night/afternoon!! This one might be a tiny bit sad, well, it made me sad writing it, but I hope it warms some of your hearts up. It's like one of those stories which are sad but sweet, if you know what I mean? Anyway, I just hope you enjoy this oneshot as much as I did :)) Have an amazing rest of your week and remember, you are amazing no matter what!! <33 Love you guys <33

Jesper smiled at the memories as he flipped through the painting album. There were an incredible amount of memories stored in only a few canvases. While he and Wylan were together, they promised each other that after every wonderful moment, they would paint it, so they could remember every wonderful moment they had with each other. There was the time that Wylan had proposed to him, their wedding, their first time traveling together, their first house and even their first time babysitting. Wylan was an excellent artist, therefore he created all these memories so they could stay with each other forever. 

The edges of Jesper's eyes crinkled as he continued to look at the beautiful paintings that sere created over time. After a few moments he let out a sigh and closed the album. He pulled himself up silently, letting out a groan once he finally stood up straight. He wobbled over to the corner of the room, placing all the paints into a picnic basket. He leaned onto his cane as he bent down to lift up the picnic basket by its handles. 

Jesper slowly walked down the stairs of his and Wylan's house, only going by one step at a time. Once he had reached the bottom, he walked towards the door, picnic basket still in his hand and canvas under his arm. A warm smile was still on his face as he walked out the door, locking it behind him. He started walking down the rubble road, excited to his husband once again. Today was a very special day for both of them. Today was their 50th anniversary. 

Jesper's face lit up as he saw the field up ahead. That field was the field in which Wylan proposed to Jesper, the one where Kaz and Inej got married and the one where their first cat was buried. It was a special field. The Crow's field. Kaz made sure that no one else touched it, still to this day. It was a beautifully coloured field, one that was worth all the poems of the world. Wild flowers grew all around, lavender bushes spread majestically around, with wondrous and beautiful plants growing all around, making the scene the most beautiful in Novyi Zem. 

Once he had reached the field, Jesper laid out a blanket onto a flat area within the wild flowers. He laid out his pants onto the blanket as well as the canvas and brushes. He brought a jar to the surface of a small pond in the middle of the field, collecting a good amount of water. Jesper sat down on the blanket, getting comfortable with the canvas and pants in front of him. 

"Happy 50th Anniversary, dear," Jesper smiled at the grey stone poking out of the ground, "I wish you were here right now. You would love it today. The weather is extremely beautiful today. The view could be nicer with you here though, but it's nice enough for one last painting."

Jesper sniffled, but continued to place some paints onto his palette. First, it was a nice sky blue for the blanket of blue covering the Earth. Jesper started to place his paints onto the palette, smiling warmly towards the light grey grave sitting close to him. 

"I miss you, Wylan," Jesper whispered, as he continued to paint, a single tears sliding down his face, "You meant the world to me, and you still do, but you broke my heart when you left. I know it wasn't your fault, but I miss you more than anything in this entire world. I love you. I love you more than anything and I can't wait to see you again."

Jesper smiled again, as though he felt the presence of his late husband around him. As though Wylan knew and heard what Jesper was saying to him. He placed a hand on his own shoulder as if someone laid their own hand on Jesper's shoulder, "I miss you so much, Wylan. It's been so hard without you. I would die a million times just so I could be with you again."

"Thankfully, in this world, you'll only have to die once," said a soft, melodic voice from behind him. 

"Inej!! Oh, sweet Inej, you came!!" Jesper exclaimed as he instantly noticed who was talking. 

"Of course I did," Inej smiled warmly, sitting next to Jesper on the picnic blanket, "I needed to see you and Kaz."

"He's been asking for you."

"The Mediks told me. I had to see him one last time," Inej sighed sadly. 

"Last time?" Jesper wondered. 

"Jes, I can't keep going there. It hurts too much. To know that Kaz has forgotten about us entirely...it's too much."

"It's not it was his fault. And he never forgot you. He never forgets you, no matter how many times I go there," Jesper reminded. 

Inej sighed again as she shook her head, "I just can't do it, alright? I had to say goodbye, to both you and Wylan. I'm going to go out to sea again, with Nikolai. If I'm lucky, I'll get to see Wylan while I'm at sea."

"You're just going to wait it out until you die?" Jesper exclaimed. 

"Jes, I don't know what else to do. Half of our friends are dead. My husband doesn't even remember the day we got married. He doesn't even know his best friend half the time. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't have a destiny or something awaiting me. I just have the ship. If I'm lucky, I'll get to stay on it and end up being the maid. They don't need an old lady like me."

"I need you, though. I have no idea of what I'm doing, but I'm making the most of what I have left. That's what you should do," Jesper encouraged, trying to push away the tears welling in his eyes. 

"Are you just trying to get me to stay here with you?"

"Well, you did always love Novyi Zem. You always said you wanted to stay," Jesper noted, putting his paints back into the picnic basket. 

Inej scoffed but said nothing. Jesper continued to place his things back into his basket, "You don't have to make up your mind now. Just know that a little cottage in Novyi Zem will always be here if you are ever in need of it. Wylan and I would welcome you with open arms."

Jesper placed the finished painting on the grave, having it lean on it. He sighed as he looked over the words once again. 

Wylan Hendricks Fahey

How he missed him. 

"Goodbye, my love. I'll see you again tomorrow," Jesper smiled, the sides of his eyes crinkling. 

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