☾ Paper Rings ☽

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A/N: This song belongs to the artist, Taylor Swift. Sooooo yeahhhhh!! I hope you all like this chapter!! I'm really sorry I haven't been updating, just kinda burnt out. I hope you're all doing great!!! <333 Have an amazing day/night/afternoon!!! I love you all<3333

Jesper sat at the bar of the Crow Club letting go of a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. He had just finished a job with Kaz, and it had been the worst yet, apart from the Ice Court Heist. Where, coincidently, was also the best job ever. He had met the love of his life, the one person he could see having a future with, but he didn't like him back. 

Jesper sighed as he ordered a few drinks from the bar, hoping to forget about what had happened. He soon felt a presence loom over him, waiting for him to realize there was someone there. 

"Kaz, now's not the best time," Jesper muttered. 

"I'm not Kaz," a familiar voice, slurred. 


"Heyyyyy, Jessie! How you doin'?"

Jesper sighed once again, rubbing his temples as if it would relieve him of his oncoming headache, "Wy, this isn't the best time, okay? And are you drunk?"

"HA! As if. Kaz would never let me get drunk. Neither would you, to be fair," Wylan muttered, his eyes wildly blazing with a passion Jesper couldn't place. His movements were sloppy, his smile wide and his stance, ruined. Wylan had been drinking tonight to also forget about several things, including his large crush on the man he was talking to. 

"Wy, you can't drink. The last time that happened, you told us about your father. You told us all of your secrets. I don't think you'd like for that to happen again."

"Buuuuuuuut, maybe I do. Maybe the pain of keeping it inside me is too much and I feel the need to get it out as soon as possible."

"Won't you regret it in the morning?"

"Only if it ends badly."

Jesper hummed in agreement as he brought the tip of his glass to his lips. He swallowed the alcohol down, having it burn his throat. He sighed in relief before swallowing the entire glass. He needed to get drunk, and quickly. It was a matter of going insane for Jesper. He swallowed the next four glasses, well at least the contents inside the glasses. His throat stopped burning after a few drinks, his brain becoming fuzzy. Beside him, Wylan had been trying to get another drink from the bar, but Jesper had told him no, resulting in Wylan pouting and crossing his arms. 

"Fine, I'll go get one somewhere else," Wylan muttered, getting up from his seat and walking to Saints knows where. 

Jesper took another drink from the counter, liking the fact that he began to care less of everything, except the love of his life of course. He swung the glass, taking in the bronze liquid to get up to find Wylan. He took another glass before resorting to looking for him. 

"Wy!!" Jesper shouted over the noise of the gambling. He earned a few odd looks but he didn't care. 

"Jes!! I'm over here!!" Jesper heard from somewhere in the gambling house. 


"Right here!" Wylan shouted from the stage, waving excitedly at Jesper. 

"Wy, what are you doing th-"

"I've got to go, it's my act," Wylan whispered shouted, as if it were a secret. 

"Wha-" Jesper squinted, clearly confused, drink still in his hand. 

Wylan appeared in the spotlight, shouting to whole of the gambling house, "Hello, everyone!! I would like to announce that I will be entertaining you tonight. Please, continue with your.. plaaayiiing, but I will be singing!! Yayyy! This is also for my...friend, Jessiieeeeee."

All eyes were on him but that's what he wanted. He told the musicians the music sheets and what to play before showing himself again. 

"Okay, 1..2...1 2 3," guitarist muttered to the others, starting  to play an upbeat song. 

"The moon is high like your friends were the night we first met, went home and start to stalk you on the..." Wylan voice sang through Jesper's heart, weaving in and out of each ear. His pulse raised as his eyes dropped in admiration towards Wylan. 

As Wylan sang the chorus, the whole of the gambling house joined in, "I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings, uh huh, that's right. Darliiiing, your the one I want." At the last sentence, Wylan gestured towards Jesper, beaming wildly. 

Jesper smiled as he joined in with the singing, still oblivious to Wylan's feelings, "And I hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this, uh huh, that's right. Darliiiing, you're the one I want. In paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dream. Oooooh, you're the one I want!!"

Jesper leaped up onto stage and sang along with Wylan, too drunk to care what others had to say. In the middle of the song as they were singing about the colour blue, Jesper stopped and faced Wylan, "You're the one I want, Wylan!!" he shouted over the singing crowd. 

"But those aren't the lyrics!!"

"But you are the one I want!!"

"That's not the same song, Jes," Wylan argued. 

"I love you, Wylan Hendricks!!"

"I love you too, Jesper Fahey," Wylan shouted back at him. 

Wylan pulled him into a kiss, closing in the space between them. Wylan gripped the side of Jesper's face gently, as the other man had taken over Wylan's back and waist with his arms. This kiss was filled with love and passion, but also sloppiness and drunken mumbles. Neither of them minded nor did the crowd. In fact they were going wild. They had forgotten about the song entirely and had just cheered for the two men kissing on the stage. 

"This is the best day of my life!!" Jesper exclaimed as they broke the kiss. 

"Me too!! I'm never letting you go!! I promise!!" Wylan responded, as he continued to cup Jesper's cheeks, "Ghezen, I love you, Jes!! I'm sorry I couldn't say it before but I do!! I swear to the Saints I do!!"

Jesper chuckled, bringing his lips to Wylan's once more, as if he were in dire need of Wylan's touch again. In fact, he was. His touch felt like a burning flame and butterflies at the same time. His stomach always knotted in happiness and he felt so much love in that moment. Only for Wylan. No one else mattered right then. Just those two. 

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