☾ Art ☽

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The Crows sat near the fire in the Slat, waiting for the snow to stop. They had all been invited for dinner with Kaz and Inej this morning, but the snow kept them from moving anywhere. Wylan was close to the fire, rubbing his hands together to keep them warm. His brown grandpa sweatshirt, keeping him barely warm along with his brown, muddy hiking boot and his green, oversized trousers he kept up with a belt with too many holes. He had two blankets on him, one on his lap as he sat criss cross, and the other, slung over his shoulders to keep his upper body warm. 

Kaz and Inej were sitting on one couch, a large blanket dropped over them both. Though Kaz didn't like to admit it, he quite liked having Inej this close. It gave him a sort of comfort he didn't get from any of his crows. Kaz wore a white button up, along with a black vest, blue thread woven into it by his darling wife, Inej. She was wearing a black turtleneck tucked into some blue trousers, which fit perfectly with the colour woven into Kaz's vest. 

Nina was dressed with a black blouse under a corset which, fit her body perfectly. It was as if it was made especially for her. She wore a flowy black dress that reached her ankles, barely showing the flat red and black shoes Matthias had gotten her just the day before this one. Matthias Helvar sat with Nina, an arm around her beautifully crafted waist, while they laughed on the couch at one of their favourite topics for humour; Kaz. He wore a lined unbuttoned, leather jerkin, along with some loose trousers, that he simply adored. He only wore socks, for he took off his shoes before coming into the Slat, for the sake of politeness, but also because he wanted to show off the new socks Nina had gotten him. 

Lastly, there was Jesper, sitting near Wylan, but not too close, for fear he might make the other man uncomfortable with his presence. He leaned his back against the side of the couch Inej and Kaz were sitting at, lovingly admiring Wylan, from afar. He had a sketchbook on his lap, as one leg was held up as the other was situated right through the hole the bended leg was providing. He wore a long, brown dress, not as long as Nina's but long enough to cover half of his shin. He wore his shoes inside, just to annoy Kaz. He wore a matching vest to cover up the black button up he had under. To top off the entire outfit, an untied green tie lay on his chest as he continued to admire all of Wylan's features, with just the firelight to guide him. 

Nina smirked, noticing this immediately, "Jes, if you won't stop undressing Wylan with your eyes, he's going to catch a cold."

Jesper's eyes went noticeably wide, as he stammered, "Oh, no- I would never- I was just drawing, that's all. Nina's lying."

"Well, I can tell from your pulse, that I am certainly not," Nina smiled proudly, crossing her arms and leaning back to her old position which was leaning back on Matthias' warm body. 

Jesper glared at Nina before picking up a pencil and started drawing the first thing that came to his mind. After a few minutes of silence, and another few of watching Wylan's blush grow deeper, Inej spoke up, "How long do you think we'll be here for?"

"Not too long, darling. Don't you worry," Kaz comforted her. 

She smiled at him, liking the soft side of him. 

"Love's made you soft, Kaz. You're not the man you used to be, and that, my good friend, is a compliment," Jesper pointed out, continuing to draw the person on his paper. He brushed his pencil along the paper delicately, as he poured all of his focus upon the figure sitting on the piece of paper. He looked up a few times, checking if the room hadn't burned down. 

During this time, Wylan had his head resting on his hand, which was placed on his knee. He looked at Jesper with droopy eyes, not even bothering to look away when the other man looked up. Jesper hadn't noticed, of course, the area was too dark for anyone to properly see, but for Nina, you didn't need to see. She felt the pulse of both men grow extremely quick when looked at each other. Even if she was a Heartrender, there was no hiding that the two men were very fond of each other. 

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