☆ Mugged ☆

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A/N: Hello!!! This chapter is the request of Akoura6!! <33 Thank you so much for this!!! I hope you like this chapter!! Have a wonderful day/night/afternoon!!<33 Also, if anyone has any other requests, that's what I'm here for, so please, don't hesitate!! <333 

(If you aren't comfortable with knives, I guess this isn't a chapter for you!! You could go onto the next though :))

Wylan was walking down the alley, excited to finally be able to do so. Kaz and Jesper were rather protective of him due to the recent events of the Ice Court heist. They would let him go out and all but someone had to be with him. They did the same with Kuwei, not that Wylan thought he deserved it very much. 

He had his favourite brown satchel sticking to his side, books and chemicals filling it to the top. Wylan was even more excited to see the rest of Ketterdam, the parts he hadn't seen before. Once he had been kicked out of his house, there wasn't much time for sight seeing. He had always been preoccupied with finding a way to get more money, to survive. He hadn't really gotten the chance to really see Ketterdam. Sure, it was a city of crime, but there was some beauty about it. Even on the gloomy and dark days, like it had been that day. 

He smiled broadly, enjoying the scenes of this dark day, trying to enjoy his first day of freedom. Until he felt a tug at his sweater. Before he could look back, he had been pulled all the way into an even darker alley. His back hit a hard brick wall, shoving all the air out of his lungs. He tried to take a large breath but it was cut off by hands on his neck. 

"Scream and I cut your circulation," a person in front of Wylan ordered. 

"Wh-what do you want? He-here have my money, j-just please d-don't hurt me," Wylan stuttered, his vision getting blurred with tears. 

"Oh, it's not money I want," the voice snarled. 

"P-please don't hurt me," Wylan pleaded. 

"Oh, shut up. For Saints sake, you're pathetic," the person spat. 

Tears fell down Wylan's cheeks as he remained speechless. The person grabbed his collar, shoving him closer to the wall, pushing the air our of his lungs once again. His chest heaved upward, trying to reach for air. 

"Oh, you won't get any air by trying to do that, Van Eck," the person growled, gripping his collar even tighter. 

Wylan's eyes widened, chest heaving aggressively, "P-please don't hurt me. I didn't d-do anything."

The person sighed, rolling their eyes, "I'm not going to hurt you, just take me to your friend."

"M-my friend?"

"Jesper Fahey," the person saying it as if it was an insult. 

"You work for Rollins, don't you?" Wylan frowned, his breathing becoming a little more regulated. 

"Why, you smart little kid. Finally figured it out, huh? Smart ass," the person swore. 

"Pleas just let me go, I didn't do anything to hurt you, I don't even know you," Wylan held his hands up in defence. 

"No...you didn't do anything, but Jesper Fahey did. And you work for him, so that means you mean something. Take me to him," the person ordered. 

Wylan set his hands down, his gaze becoming more stern by the second, "Over my dead body."

"That was the worst thing to say in this situation, you get that, don't you?" the person spat. 

"I won't let you touch a hair on his fucking body, you monster," Wylan loomed over the person. 

"Oooo, fiesty, huh?" the person teased, a grimace covering their face. 

The person let go of Wylan's collar, but only on one arm, letting the other arm travel to their back pocket. They fished out a knife, showing it off at Wylan as if it was a prize they had just won, "Show me where Jesper Fahey is, or I'll gut you like a fish, you intolerant shit!!"

Wylan swallowed loudly, but didn't hesitate in saying, "I would rather die."

"Well, you got your wish today, you fuck," the person swore, bringing the knife to Wylan's throat, "Wait. Give me your money first," the person decided. 

Wylan frowned, trying not to let his emotions show at the moment as he slung his bag from his shoulder into the person's hands. He took this opportunity of a distraction to punch the person in the face. He swung his foot, swiftly kicking them in the face. Wylan pushed his leg out for a final blow, kicking them right in the crotch. Whatever genitals they had, it didn't matter to Wylan, all he knew is that it must've hurt. 

"That's for my boyfriend, you bitch," Wylan shouted after them as he ran away, tears finally able to be free. 

He ran away as fast as he could to the Slat. He knew that's where Jesper would be and that's the one person he needed at the moment. He ran and ran and ran. He couldn't feel his legs once he had reached the Slat, sincerely hoping his boyfriend would be there. Wylan didn't take the moment to slow down as he entered the building. 

"Jesper??" he called out, almost letting a sob go through, "Jesper!!" his voice broke as he looked around the Slat. 

"I'm here!! I'm right here!!" Jesper exclaimed, running down the stairs at an alarming rate, "Saints, what happened Wy?"

As soon as he saw Jesper's face of despair, his legs gave out. He broke down, sobs errupting from his throat. Tears fell down his cheeks like never before. Jesper ran over his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around his shuttering, fragile body. 

"Saints, sunshine, what happened?" Jesper asked, rubbing his boyfriends arm as he tried to console him in the best way he could. 

So, Wylan told him everything. Every single detail and at the end of the story, there were two men crying on the floor, hugging each other for comfort. 

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, my sunshine. You didn't deserve that," Jesper comforted, silent tears falling down his cheeks as he kissed his boyfriend's head. 

"It's not your fault, Jes," Wylan responded through tears. 

"It is, and I am so sorry, Wylie," Jesper sobbed. 

"I'm never going outside again," Wylan cried, holding Jesper closer to him. 

"Don't say that, love," Jesper mumbled. 

"I can't Jes. What if it happens again?" Wylan let go of his boyfriend and looked him in the eyes, seriousness covering his face. 

"It won't because I'll be there. I'll be there to protect you, that's the least I can do," Jesper promised. 

Wylan cupped his boyfriend's cheek, caressing it gently, "I would like that very much."

Jesper smiled before wrapping Wylan in the tightest hug he had ever witnessed. 

And it was very true. No one ever tried to hurt Wylan. Ever. 

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