☆ Pinkie Promise ☆

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Wylan crouched as gunshots surrounded the alley. As much as he loved Jesper and working with the Crows, he would always hate the sound of gunshots. They were always too loud and they always made everything so much worse. The whole alley was covered in smoke from one of Wylan's bomb along with the guns that went off. He had gotten used to smoke but never of the pounding sound that went along with the consequence of firing a gun. Jesper was usually there to help him through this, or at least someone, but there was no one. Wylan was alone is a nightmare he never even dreamed about. Wylan's chest heaved up and down, not at it's normal pace, but at a pace where Wylan found it hard to breath. His throat started to close up and his head started to fog. The thoughts that were racing through his mind disappeared and it was only filled with one image. Death. 

Guns always resulted in death, so getting that image out of his head at that moment would've been impossible. Wylan continued to rock on the balls of his feet. Rocking sometimes made situations better, but not in this case. Tears welled into Wylan eyes and the thought returned, and not the good kind. His breath became more ragged and sounds slurred together. Except the one of the gunshots, those stayed where they were. Loud, penetrating, pounding. Wylan felt a hand on his shoulder and just as he swung around, it had disappeared. But a new pain came along with it. A piercing sound came from his left shoulder and howling pain near his ribs. 

Wylan cried out, hugging the spot where blood spilled out. Another shot rang near him and a few moments later, hands had grabbed him. Wylan looked around frantically, searching for the owner of the hands, just to be met with eyes of Jesper. He released a breath he never knew he was holding, but quickly stopped, since it hurt to breath. 

Soon the noise of gunshots were drowned out and only the sounds of Jespers breath could be heard. Wylan smiled up at him, not feeling any more pain, just some weakness in the bones. Wylan felt his eyes droop and felt the darkness engulf him. There was someone shaking his shoulder for him to stay awake, but Wylan only swatted their hand away. He only wanted to sleep, and that's what he was going to do. Wylan slowly let the swooping tiredness take him, letting his eyes drop and relaxing his limbs. It felt nice, to finally relax. 

Wylan's eyes fluttered open, squinting at the area he was in. He was lying in a brownish room, covered in blankets. The floor was covered in different coloured carpets and plants hung from a pillar over the window. The walls were brick and on them was plastered different kinds of posters, some hand made, other printed. There lay two night tables on each sides of the bed, one held a lamp and a glass of water, the other held a vase of a variety of yellow flowers. Near them, there lay a card that read, For you my sunshine, get better soon. Wylan smiled as he thought of Jesper and what he might be doing now.

 When was now? What was here? Where was here? Wylan thought. As he was thinking that he might be in heaven, he heard a noise coming from the other end of the room. He slowly turned his head in that direction, careful to not go to fast due to the faint pounding in his head. He looked over to find a Jesper sitting in his favourite chair from his chemistry lab. He had his face in his hands and his back seemed to be moving up and down, as if he was laughing.

Wylan groaned and squinted his eyes again, "Jesper?" he asked weakly. 

Jesper's eyes went wide as he looked up, tears staining his face, "You're alive!" he exclaimed, a smile appearing over his face. 

Wylan smiled weakly back, "Of course I am, you'd think I'd leave you? Over my dead body?"

Jesper chuckled, tears falling down his cheeks, this time of happiness. As he pulled Wylan into a gentle hug, Inej came rushing into the room. A smile also appeared on her face before she ran out of the room again. 

"Where am I?" Wylan asked, trying to sit up. 

"We made you a room in the Crow Club. You've been sleeping for 2 months now, and I've been going insane. We made you this room so you'd be as comfortable and as happy as you could. We also made sure not to add any of the things you have in your lab because none of us really know what they do and we didn't want to risk it," Jesper sniffled. 

"Actually," said a raspy voice from the doorway, "Jesper ordered all of us not to even go into the lab, just in case."

"Kaz, look, he's alive!" Jesper exclaimed, hugging Wylan again. He was hugging him as if he would break if he squeezed too hard enough. 

Kaz looked back at Jesper with deadpan face, "I can see that, Jesper."

Jesper chuckled, still unbelieving that Wylan was alive, "I know!! Isn't that amazing? Am I dreaming? Someone pinch me!"

"Oh, there's no need for that," Wylan teased, cupping Jesper's face and bringing it to his. Their lips touched for the first time in two months but to Jesper, it seemed like a lifetime. He slowly melted into the kiss, limbs slowly stopped working. 

"Saints, I love you. Please don't scare me like that again, I never want to lose you. Not ever," Jesper said, dreamily. 

"You won't ever have to, I promise."

"Pinkie promise?" Jesper asked, bringing up his pinkie. 

"Pinkie promise," Wylan promised, connecting both of their pinkies. 

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