☾ Power Outage ☽

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A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated lately, it's been rather hectic, but now it's going a little better. I'm also writing this chapter during a power outage, which seems kind of cool, but it can get pretty scary. I hope you like this chapter and I hope you have a wonderful day/night/afternoon!! <3 I would also like to dedicate this chapter to my friend ShnootyKanooty, because they gave me the idea to write this!!! Thank you so much!!!

Wylan was working on one of his projects, which happened to be one with chemicals, when he heard a large boom in the distance. He thought nothing of it, of course, because in Ketterdam, there was always someone trying to kill someone else. He continued placing his bottles in an orderly fashion with a smile on his face. The multi coloured bottles were finally in order, an order in which Wylan liked it best. They were all lined up, and, most importantly, they were all in order, depending on what colour they resembled to. Black was first, then it faded all the way to the colour white. He had also finished labeling all the bottles with their corresponding music notes, just how Wylan liked it. He smiled proudly, as he placed his fists on his hips, making him look so much happier.

Suddenly, it all went dark. Wylan yelped as he looked around frantically, just to be met with his own touch. He slowly made his way to the ground, then felt his way to the wall. He gently placed his back on the wall, trusting it not to go away. Having something covering his back and to know that there wasn't anything that could haunt him from behind, comforted him in just the slightest bit. He brought his knees to his chest, still frantically looking around the room. He even brought his hands to his face, to which he was still met with the emptiness of the colour black. Tears welled up in his eyes as fear started to shiver all over his body, taking it over as if it were a wave. Wylan shivered, but not because he was cold and brought his hands to his knees, bringing them even closer. He put his head down, starting to feel the wetness of his despairs leaking onto his cheeks.

After a few moments of silent tears, he heard shuffling around the Slat. There was a quiet, but desperate whisper, "Anyone? Is there anyone here? Please?"

Wylan hesitated but called out quietly, "Me!! I'm here!!"

"Oh, thank the Saints, it's you Wylan," whispered a familiar voice as it stalked closer to him.

"Jesper? Is that you?" Wylan asked, standing up slightly, but also leaning against the wall of support.

"Yes! Oh, Saints, it's me. I'm so thankful there's someone else here," Jesper cried out, sounding desperate.

"Do you know what happened?" Wylan wondered, feeling around for Jesper.

"Yeah, there was the tower that got shot dow-" Jesper got cut off by Wylan accidentally touching his chest as he was trying to feel where the other man was, "Getting a little handsy there, are we?" Wylan could sense his smirk from a mile away.

"Hmm? Saints, I'm sorry," Wylan quickly apologized, snapping his hands back to his own body, his face flushing red. He was thankful Jesper couldn't see through the darkness, otherwise he would've probably died of embarrassment.

"No need to apologize. It's alright, it's fine," Jesper smirked.

"Oh, shut it," Wylan rolled his eyes.

Jesper put his hands up innocently, but then stopped, forgetting no one could see him, "I didn't say anything!"

"Yeah, you did! One expression on your face could mean a thousand words," Wylan pointed out.

"You can't even see me!" Jesper accused, still smirking.

Wylan scoffed, "I know you enough to know when you're smirking."

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