♡︎ Drunk ♡︎

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please don't read this, i absolutely hate it so much

Wylan stood on the table, wobbling every so often. He raised the bottle he was holding and shouted some slurred speech no one could understand. Because the whole Crow Club was drunk, they all shouted long with him. Wylan pointed at a random thing in the crowd, laughed, then fell off the table. Nina joined him this time, as Wylan made another attempt to stand on the table. The wooden table was soon unbalanced, so they both fell over along with their drinks. Wylan started rolling around on the ground, laughing hysterically, as did Nina. Wylan snorted once more, before he tried to stand up again. He grabbed a bottle of Saints knows what and raised it.

"Here's to..," Wylan shouted, but trailed off, forgetting what he was going to say, "World peace!! And being gay!!"

He took a large gulp of the bottle to finally realize that it was Vodka and threw the bottle behind him. Kaz limped over to him and sighed once he saw what state Wylan was in.

"Wylan, do you mind going upstairs?" Kaz asked, trying to be nice. 

"Why?" Wylan looked at him oddly. 

"Because Jesper is there, waiting for you," Kaz smirked, fully knowing that Jesper wasn't.

"Ooooooh, alright," Wylan smiled, pleased with how tonight was going for him.

Wylan walked up the stairs to where the rooms were placed. He looked around as if it was his first time seeing it. The walls were a dark black colour with only the candles hanging off the walls for light. There was two windows each for, so even in daylight, not much was seen. The floor was covered with a blood red carpet, had it been that way when it was bought, Wylan would never know. When Wylan reached the top of the stairs, he noticed a small, black, wooden table with only one thing placed on it. A glove. Wylan looked at it for a moment, but deemed it less important than a fun night with his husband. Wylan giggled as he opened the door to Jesper's dimly lit room. Jesper whipped around as Wylan closed the door, now having some balance. Well, at least more than before. 

"Where were you? I was worried!" Jesper ran over to where Wylan was standing and hugged him tightly. Once he let go, he looked into his eyes, revealing lust and love filling them, "Darling, have you been drinking?"

Wylan smirked, bringing his hand to Jesper's cheek, "Maybe, but I don't want to talk about that. In fact, I don't want to talk at all. The only thing I want to hear is you screaming my name, all night long, and for all of Ketterdam to hear."

Jesper's eyes went wide as he had a loss for words. Wylan chuckled, "Cat got your tongue?"

Jesper swallowed loudly as Wylan leaned in for a kiss, a passionate one, not as much romantic as it was erotic. Jesper pulled away and asked, "Before we continue, are you sure this is a good idea? You're drunk."

"I know that, babe, but it's not everyday that I'm going to be this confident. I am so very sure," Wylan breathed before kissing him again.

Wylan moved towards Jesper, pushing him onto the bed. Jesper smirked as he quickly shoved off his shirt. Wylan planted slobbery kisses along Jesper's built chest as he moaned. He made his way up from his stomach all the way to his lips. Wylan smiled before kissing him again, this time more desperate. He only broke the kiss to take off his own shirt then pressed his lips against Jesper's once again. 

Wylan pulled at the hem of Jesper's trousers and asked, "Can I?"

Jesper only nodded, afraid something else besides words might pour out of his mouth. Wylan continued to kiss Jesper as he started to take the other man's trousers off. 

"Saints, you're beautiful," Wylan moaned between kisses, which seemed to make Jesper more desperate for what ever Wylan had in store for him. Jesper started to gently shove off Wylan's trousers, letting them slide off the bed, and out of sight. Now, both men were completely naked and sweaty, but neither of them minded. Jesper held onto Wylan's body and flipped them both over, making it that Jesper was on top of Wylan. Despite the ginger's drunkenness, the sides of the man's face seemed to grow darker each time he looked farther down all the way to Jesper's body. Wylan bit his lip, before placed his hands on the Jesper's built chest. 

"Are you really sure about this?" Jesper inquired, breathing heavily.

"Very much so," Wylan admitted. 

Jesper chuckled, trying to regain his breath, which he was rather unsuccessful in. Wylan looked down, stripping himself of his clothes, exposing his bare skin. 

"Damn, you're so beautiful," Jesper moaned, kissing Wylan roughly but passionately. They continued to grind on each other, kissing each other like this for a few minutes before Wylan decided it was time to make a move. He moved his hands from Jesper chest to his dick. He slowly looked up to Jesper for confirmation, to which he gladly approved. 

Jesper bit his lip to suppress the loud moans that were about to pour out of his mouth as Wylan rubbed his dick. 

Wylan's drunkenness seemed to come back because he pulled Jesper closer to him and whispered, "Don't hide it, I want to have all of Ketterdam hear you scream."

Jesper let go of his lip, letting go of everything he was holding back. He then pulled up Wylan's legs and placed them around his waist, interlining his dick with Wylan's entrance. 

"You ready?" Jesper asked.

"Mhm," Wylan moaned, bracing himself. 

Jesper shoved his dick into Wylan, earning a loud moan filled with both pain and pleasure, and to Wylan, those weren't the same things. After a few pushes into Wylan, Jesper started to get more sloppy and overwhelmed by emotions. Jesper moaned a last time before sliding out and spilling all over the bed sheets. As did Wylan a few seconds later, grabbing the sheets into his fist as his chest heaved up and down at an irregular rate. 

Jesper brought Wylan into his arms as they cuddled, "Was that alright, sunshine?"

"More than okay," Wylan kissed him, before slowly drifting off to sleep into a world of dreams. 

please don't come after me, i don't know how to write smut

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