☆ True Identity ☆

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Wylan felt as though he would explode, but not in the good way. His face felt extremely hot and along with the rest of his body. It was as if the heat from his skin was crawling it's way to his bones. It felt as though he was in a boiling pot of water but it wasn't really burning him, just making him extremely hot, maybe even uncomfortably hot. Heat rose to his cheeks as Kaz asked the one question he hoped no one would ever ask him, throughout his time with the Crows. 

"What is your real name?" the raspy, terrifying, yet comforting voice asked. The accent was not too heavy, but still rather noticeable. 

Wylan frantically looked around to see if anyone was there, but it was just Kaz standing in front of him, leaning onto his cane. Wylan was seated in his office with his arms between his thighs and his arms crossed. This was the one question he dreaded, but he didn't think Kaz was dumb, he would've found out eventually. Wylan started stuttering, finding an excuse, a reason or in this case an actual word. 

Kaz took a step forward and grimly warned, "Don't lie to me."

Wylan had seen the things that Kaz did to people when they lied, so he decided against it, "P-please don't hurt me. My-my father, he's a terrible person, I even hate him. Please don't punish me for who he is. I promise, I'm nothing like him," Wylan pleaded, tears coming to his eyes. 

Kaz scoffed, "I don't care who your father is, who are you?" Kaz pointed his cane at him while leaning on his desk for support. 

Wylan stood abruptly, tears falling down his cheeks and yelled, "Wylan Van Eck!! That's who I am!! I've tried to hide it, but you.. you're too damn smart. Please, my father kicked me out and I needed a place to stay. I am nothing like him, I swear," Wylan fell to the ground, sobbing and ashamed of who he was. 

Kaz shook his head slightly and placed his cane down, "I did just say, I don't care who your father is, did I not?"

"What does that mean?" Wylan asked, looking up. 

"It means you made an appearance here and you proved yourself worthy of our... welcoming. I do not care who your father is or was because you have proved that you are nothing like him. I congratulate you on that. You are a kind person who likes building bombs with chemicals, that doesn't sound anything like Jan Van Eck," Kaz said without any sign of emotion. On the inside, Kaz was smiling, "I do have one question for you though. Jan Van Eck wanted a son very badly, why would he have exiled you?"

Wylan looked down, the smile disappearing from his face. He mumbled something that Kaz couldn't understand. When Kaz didn't say anything, Wylan looked up. 

"I didn't hear what you said."

"Oh. Well, what I said was, uh, I can't read. Well, I tried but the letters just jump around the place, and it's made it hard to read. Impossible, even," Wylan whispered so quietly, Kaz could barely hear. 

Kaz muttered something under his breath then walked around his desk. He stopped ever so often then returned to walking around his desk again. This went on for about a few minutes but then Wylan spoke up, "Uh.. Kaz?"

Kaz whipped his head around to where Wylan was standing, in the most aggressive way possible, "I will murder Jan Van Eck with my own fucking cane."

Wylan's eyes went all large and started saying things to save his father's life. As he started saying these things, Kaz looked him dead in the eyes, which gave Wylan literal goosebumps and muttered, "He kicks you out, treats you like shit, cute you off from all your money and yet you still  protect him?"

"He is still my father," Wylan murmured, looking down once again. 

"An abusive one. I shall not let this pass," Kaz walked to the door, and swung it open just to find Jesper with his fist up, about to open the door. 

Jesper smiled and looked at Kaz, "Hey, Kazzy, I just wanted t-" but he was cut off from looking at Wylan, "What the hell happened? Why is he crying?" Jesper asked frantically as he pulled Wylan into a hug. 

"We simply talked."

Jesper scowled at Kaz before kissing Wylan at the top of his head and whispering, "Hey, what happened, babe? Did he hurt you? Because if he did-"

Wylan pushed his way out of the hug, no matter how much we needed it, "He didn't hurt me, Jesper. But there's something I need to tell you. If you don't love me anymore then that's alright. I will respect your wishes and keep my distance, I promise but-"

Jesper cut him off with a kiss on his lips, "I alright know, Sunshine."

"Wha-What? What do you mean? Who told you?" Wylan frowned.

"No one had to tell me, I was standing outside the door the whole time. I was really concerned if he hurt you though, that wasn't just acting," Jesper glared at Kaz. 

"Oh. And you still love me?"

"Of course I do. I fell in love with you, no matter who your father is, I'll still love you," Jesper smiled warmly. 

Wylan beamed back, "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that," he said as he pulled Jesper into a very long kiss. 

After a few moments, Kaz cleared his throat and stood very awkwardly in the doorway. Jesper looked back him, breaking the kiss between his boyfriend and him, "Oh, Kaz, if you're uncomfortable, just shut the damn door."

Kaz scowled at Jesper but obliged either way, "I don't want to hear you two from downstairs, so keep it down. Last time, none of us slept that night."

Jesper lifted Wylan onto his hips, hooking Wylan's legs around his waist and mumbled something that sounded like, "Yeah, yeah , whatever."

Kaz rolled his eyes, but closed the door behind him. 

No one slept that night either. 

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