☆ Gone ☆

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A/N: Before I start this chapter, I would like to give a shout out to Lunar178 who recommended this chapter!! I would also like to thank everyone who's been reading this oneshot book!! You all mean so much to me and you give me so much motivation!! Thank you all so much for reading!! I love you all so so much!! <333 I hope you like this chapter!!

"Wy?" Jesper smiled as he entered the warehouse Wylan used for some of his experiments. 

Jesper scanned the room looking for Wylan but the only person he found was his and Wylan's cat, Hamilton. 

"Hey, Hamilton! How you are doing?" Jesper asked him, petting his long haired head. His grey fur shaped itself as Jesper let his hand rolled against Hamilton's body. Jesper chuckled as the cat started purring. 

Jesper scooped him up and starting singing to his cat, a routine he had picked up from his boyfriend, "You sayyyyy, the price of my love's not a price you're willing to pay. You cryyyy, in your tea, which you hurl in the sea when I go by. Why so sad? Remember we made an arrangement when you went away. Now, you're making me mad," Jesper sang from the musical that his cat was named after. One of the many perks about living in Ketterdam, was that there were always musicals playing throughout the city.

Jesper stopped singing as someone burst through the doors, dramatically. Jesper looked up to find Kaz standing in the doorway. He looked back at Hamilton and shook his head, as if he was disappointed in Kaz. 

"Jes, we have an issue-"

"NO! Don't change the subject, because you're my favourite subject. My sweet, submissive subject," Jesper cut Kaz off, continuing his singing. 

"Fahey, this is serious," Kaz cut his singing off again. 

Jesper sighed, setting the purring Hamilton down on a chair in the corner of the room, "What it is this time?"

"It's Wylan."

"What?" Jesper's face turned serious, something that didn't happen often. 

"Someone took him."

"Are you serious, Kaz? Because if this is a joke, this isn't funny."

"Of course I'm serious. I called everyone to the Crow Club. Everyone's waiting for you," Kaz's jaw tensed. 

Jesper exhaled shakily, looking over to Hamilton for the last time, "Hamilton, I'm going to need you to stay here. It's important."

As if he understood from the seriousness in Jesper's voice, the cat sat down, still looking up at Jesper with wide, green eyes. 

"Good boy," Jesper smiled slightly, petting his head before heading out in the street with Kaz by his side. 

As they both walked towards the Crow Club, Jesper looked at Kaz, expecting answers. 

"We received a message from a dying man about one bell ago. We've been looking for you everywhere. He said that Pekka Rollins had taken Wylan from his home and the only way to get him back was to surrender to him," Kaz's jaw tensed again, but this time his body went along with it. 

"Shit. What are we going to do then, boss?" Jesper teared up, trying to hide it with a question. 

Kaz waited for a second, hesitating, "We're going to get him out of there and destroy Pekka for good. This was the last straw. He had crossed the line before, but now he has completely obliterated the line."

Jesper swallowed loudly, trying to focus on Kaz's words. He tried to think that Wylan was okay, and that he wasn't hurt, but it was impossible. The more he tried to convince himself, the more negative thoughts entered his mind. His breath hitched as he thought more of Wylan getting hurt. His vision blurred with tears for the love of his life as he continued to walk. 

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