☾ Fake ☽

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Jesper rushed into the room, sweat covering his forehead and his chest heaving. He looked around the room, hoping to find someone there, to which he saw Wylan standing in the corner. He was placing music notes on his potion bottles, as well as colour coding them.

"Wy!! There you are," Jesper exclaimed, panting all the way over to him.

"Here I am," Wylan smiled, without looking up.

"I need your help. I promise it's only for tonight, and I didn't know who else to ask. I could ask Kaz but I don't think that would go well."

"What do you need help with?" Wylan sighed, finally looking up from his work.

"I need you to be my boyfriend," Jesper grinned hopefully.

"E-excuse me?" Wylan choked out, a blush slowly forming onto his cheeks.

"I accidentally might've told some of the people at the Crow Club that I had a boyfriend because they all had partners and I didn't want to seem different to them. I just need you to come with me to the Theatre tonight with some of the guys for a double date. Oh, please, Wylan. This would mean the world to me. I'll get you all the chemicals you would need for upcoming jobs, I promise you," Jesper pleaded.

"For Saint's sake, Jes, how do you accidentally do that?"

Jesper just shrugged.

Wylan groaned, "You know, what, fine. I need new chemicals anyway."

"Oh, thank you a million times, thank you. Wy, this means the world to me. Okay, okay, now, could you please meet me at the Crow Club very soon. We're going to see Romeo and Juliet," Jesper beamed, then added before walking out the door with a wink, "We're going on a date."

A blush appeared on Wylan's face, but Jesper had already walked out the door, too preoccupied to notice it.

"It's not very nice to eavesdrop," Wylan noted, once the blush had disappeared off of his face.

"You should tell him, Wy," Inej retorted.

"You know he wouldn't date me, and besides, Kuwei has had his eyes set on him since forever. He most likely likes him anyway," Wylan mumbled sadly.

"I don't see Kuwei getting to be his fake boyfriend."

Wylan groaned, rubbing eyes with his hands in despair, "This was a mistake, wasn't it?

"I don't think so. It'll give you the chance to get to know what it feels like to date Jesper. It's a new experience, and there's nothing wrong with those. Just try it out, and see how it goes. If you're ever uncomfortable, tell him. I'm sure he'll understand."

"You always know what to say."

"You say that like it's a bad thing," accused a voice from the doorway of Wylan's room.

"Kaz," Inej breathed, turning around to face him.

"Inej," Kaz nodded his head towards her, "I just came here to see what all the fuss Jesper was causing, was about. He seems the happiest he's ever been, sadly. How's the chess going, Wylan?"

"It's going great! I even taught Matthias how to play, so I could play with him as well," Wylan beamed, clearly proud of himself.

"Good," Kaz nodded sharply, "Now, Jesper?"

"Right, well, you see, Jesper accidentally told his mates at the Crow Club that he had a boyfriend and I guess I'm going out with him tonight," Wylan shrugged.

"How does someone accidentally do that?" Kaz muttered.

"That's exactly what I said. Anyhow, I should get ready, the play's only in a few hours and I have to make a list of things I want him to buy for me."

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