☆ Rain ☆

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Trigger warning only in this chapter//: mentions of self harm. If you aren't comfortable with that, I'd advise that you leave. Thank you for reading!!

"Jes, it's the one and only day that Ketterdam has actual sun, I'm not reading today," Wylan pointed out, looking at him as they sat next to each other on a bench in front of the Slat. 

"Not an excuse," Jesper nodded, handing him a green covered book, that he had seen one too many times. 

Wylan sighed, taking the book in his hands. It was very warm today, so Wylan chose to finally wear something that would please him, a T-shirt. No one knew about it really, and he didn't think anyone noticed either. You see, Wylan Van Eck tried his hardest to read, he truly did, but it was one of the things that he couldn't master, so he resulted in scars along his arms. He had tried to quit, he really did, but it was one of those things that were incredibly hard. 

Wylan only smiled and tried to push those thoughts away. He opened the book and started reading out loud. 

"F-f-five?" Wylan started.

"Yes, very good! Keep going," Jesper encouraged. 

"Five g-guys was th-the only place F-Freddie knew. I-It was d-delicious, b-but really over priced?" Wylan stuttered, trying to get every words right, sounding them out as long as they could go. 

Jesper slinked one of his lanky arms over Wylan's shoulder and gave him a side hug for congratulation, "You're doing amazing, Wy, keep going!"

Wylan instantly became a rather faded colour of pink, shading his entire freckled face. He continued to look down, hopeful that Jesper hadn't seen the blush creeping along his face. Wylan then read about a bad, resulting in reading about 150 words, which was a record for him. Once he was done, his mouth hurt tremendously, which did remind him that he had to practice flute. 

Jesper chuckled and gave him another little side hug, this time by the waist, "That was amazing, Wy, really. You're really improving."

"All thanks to you," Wylan mumbled, looking down as both a smile and a blush creeped onto his face once more. 

Jesper didn't say anything, but only gently put his thumb under Wylan's chin, slowly bringing it up as he he replied, "Wy, keep your head up, your smile is absolutely beautiful."

Wylan's face flushed a darker pink this time, before a voice raspy said behind them, "Jesper, leave the poor boy alone. And it's going to start raining, so get inside."

Jesper chuckled letting go of Wylan's chin and standing up on the bench only to jump over it and make his way into the Slat. Once Jesper had let go, Wylan leaned in, hopeful to get another single touch pf him against his skin. Wylan's love language was touch, but he was so touch starved, only a single pat or a single nudge could melt his heart completely. 

"You should tell him," Kaz offered.


"I see the way you look at him, it's like you have already fallen in love with him, so tell him. It'll only get worse if you hesitate," Kaz finished, clanking his cane as he walked back to the Slat. 

Wylan walked solemnly back to the Slat, hanging his head in despair. He knew he had to do it, but he didn't know if he could. Confrontation wasn't something he was good at. Anxiety would always bubble up in his stomach before he could say anything. He hoped this wouldn't happen this time. Thunder rumbled in the sky, shaking the ground along with Wylan. His chest heaved up and down at an abnormal rate as the rain splattered against the ground. Nina appeared in his view, asking a muffled question he couldn't hear. Wylan's eyes frantically and aggressively moved around the room, without moving any other limb on his body. Jesper noticed this, and took Wylan's hand, pulling him out into the rain. 

"Breathe,"Jesper ordered. 

Wylan looked up to him, slightly tilting his head. He took a shaky breath in and a tear slipped down his eye as he exhaled. 

"It's going to be alright, just focus on the rain," Jesper whispered.

Wylan inhaled again, now less shaky but tears still rolling down his face. Jesper exhaled along with him, giving something for him to focus on. Wylan closed his eyes, his gaze softening, focusing on the rain splattering on the pavement. His mind started to clear as he concentrated on Jesper's hands in his. The smooth skin rubbing against Wylan's. He moved his thumb against Jesper's hand, letting the tears on his face dry. 

After a few minutes, Wylan opened his eyes again to be met with a very wet Jesper. Wylan smiled, giggling slightly as Jesper's hair dripped with the rain that splattered down on them both. 

Jesper smiled as he realized that Wylan was alright, "Hey, are you alright? What happened?" Jesper placed a hand on Wylan's cheek, trying to comfort him. 

"Yeah, it's just something Kaz said.." Wylan trailed off. 

Jesper's jaw tensed, any sign of a smile completely disappearing off his face, "What did that bastard do-"

Wylan quickly cut him off, not wanting a fight, "No, no, it's alright. He was right. If I don't want this to happen again, this needs to happen."

"What needs to happen?"

"There's something I need to do."

"Well, if you aren't ready, you shouldn't let Kaz force yo-" Jesper was cut off by Wylan placed his lips on the other man's.

After a few seconds, he let go, looking down in shame, "I'm sorry if you don't feel the same way, but I had to do that," Wylan walked towards the Slat, hoping Jesper doesn't yell at him. 

"Wylan!! Wait!! Come back!!" Jesper yelled, catching up to him. 

Wylan faced Jesper to be met with Jesper's lips once again. The dark-skinned man grasped the other boy's waist, holding him tightly as lightning flashed in the sky as they kissed. Thunder boomed as Wylan brought his drenched body closer to Jesper's. Soon, they let go, both panting. 

"I've always loved you," Jesper gasped.

"Oh, Saints, how glad I am to hear you say that. I love you too, Jesper Fahey," Wylan planted his lips against Jesper's once again.  

hope you guys liked this chapter!!<33 please don't hesitate to comment or message me some recommendations you would like to see!! <33 i love you guys so much!! thank you for reading!!! <33

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