☾ Muse ☽

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A/N: hiya again!! Hope all of you are doing amazing!! This chapter is a crossover with the series on Netflix, Bridgerton. Some of the characters, locations and storyline are owned by Netflix, the rest, as you know, are owned by Leigh Bardugo. I hope everyone has a wonderful day/night/afternoon!!! Love you all <33

Wylan sighed at the empty canvas sitting in front of him. He'd been painting all his life, but for a few weeks, his paintings didn't really draw him in as they usually did. None of his paintings were really out of the box. They were all bland and still, no offence to the people posing for them. Wylan found that his art had no life in them, just as they once did a few weeks ago. 

"Still having trouble with the painting?" someone asked, patting his shoulder lightly. 

Wylan looked up, "Yeah, sorry, Nina. It's not the models at all. You were really amazing up there. It's just me. I have to find a way to get rid of this block, somehow."

"Well, there's a new model coming in, so that might help. He's from outskirts of town, but some say, that he's the most beautiful for miles and miles around," Nina smiled sweetly. 

"Perhaps. Hopefully. Thank you very much, Nina. You're a lifesaver, really. I also very much liked your poses today," Wylan smiled back. 

"Thank you, Wy. See you tomorrow," Nina squeezed his shoulder before making her way towards the door. 

"Greet good day to Matthias for me," Wylan said back, looking back at the empty canvas sitting in front of him. 

Nina left with a nod, waving to Wylan as she continued to walk out of the studio. It had been 2 years since Wylan started at the Royal Academy of Arts, and he had never been happier. Since he couldn't read, he did the only thing he was ever taught to do, paint. He was rather good at it, though his father was the only one who didn't want to admit it. Because his father didn't want to see his face anymore, he decided to send Wylan off to the Academy, earning him a life without his son, and having Wylan live without his father, which seemed like a win for both of them. 

"Hello," greeted a voice behind him. 

Wylan jumped in his seat, eyes turning away from his blanc canvas and to the handsome man standing in front of him with his arms crossed and his head held up high, "Hello," he responded back. 

"Jesper Fahey," the man introduced himself, pushing his own ringed hand out in front of him. 

"Wylan," he took the man's hand, shaking it softly, "Wylan Hendricks."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Hendricks," Jesper smirked, taking Wylan's hand and bringing his own's lips to it as a sign of charm. 

A blush spread across Wylan's cheeks, "Lovely to meet you too, Mr. Fahey. And, you may call me Wylan."

"You can call me anything you like, handsome," Jesper letting go of Wylan's hand, staring at him flirtatiously. 

The redness from Wylan's cheeks, spread across his whole face but it soon disappeared after someone clapped his hand onto Jesper's shoulder. 

"Hello, mate. How you doin'?" the young man smiled at Jesper, patting him roughly against his shoulder. 

"Alright, thanks, Kuwei," Jesper smiled momentarily, before making his way towards the scene in the middle of the room. He placed himself on one of the stools, sliding off his robe at the same time, revealing a rather slim body. The light reflected onto his skin, showing his every muscle, every part of his beautiful, ravishing body of his. 

Wylan looked at the man, his eyes filled with excitement and amazement. He had been completely captured by the man's beauty, looking at him as if he hadn't seen a human being before. 

Kuwei stalked towards the centre of the room, looking upon all the young artists sitting around the stage, "Hello, all. I am very pleased to welcome a guest here with us today. He has come all the way from far far north of here and, as you can see, is quite a beauty. He was kind enough to come all the way here to work as a model for all out young artists. Please, everyone, welcome Jesper Fahey!"

The entire room clapped for the man but it was cut off short due to the excitement of the young artists. They instantly took up their tools and began their project on the beautiful man posing in front of them. Some painted, other drew and there were a fair few of them who were sculpting. 

Wylan, suddenly having a rush of inspiration, picked up his brush and started creating. He dipped and stroked until he had perfection staring right back at him. A few hours passed until that happened, but he was still glad it happened at all. It had been such a long time since he had painted something so beautiful. He smiled as he stared at the semi-finished piece. 

"Everyone, please take a small break before we continue, it's already been quite some time," Kuwei shouted to everybody, ensuring that people would eat and drink before they started off again. 

As Wylan set his paintbrush down, Jesper started to stride over to where the strawberry blond haired man was sitting. He instantly smiled once he saw the painting of himself.

"I've never seen such a beautiful painting of me before," Jesper awed. 

"Well, I've never seen such a beautiful muse. I guess inspiration just took its toll," Wylan smiled back. 

"I guess so," Jesper, looking back at Wylan, wonder filling his eyes. 

"So I was-" Wylan started.

"I was wonder-" Jesper started at eh same time. 

"You go first," Wylan smiled. 

"No, go ahead," Jesper gestured.

"Please, what were you going to say?"

Jesper chuckled, "Well, I was wondering if you'd like to grab some tea with me, sometime. I know a good place and they have these amazing stroopwaffles. What d'you think?"

Wylan smiled, a blush creeping onto his face once more, "I'd really like that."

"Wonderful. When we're done here, would you like to go out then?"

"I would like that even more."

"Can't wait," Jesper smiled back, making his way back to the stage. 

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