☆ Wounded ☆

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Jesper entered the chemical warehouse once again, with a smile on his face, "Jesper Fahey has done it again," he announced, raising his arms as if he was a Saint. 

Wylan groaned and shook his head, "Saints, what have you done now?"

"I have got a very large amount of money from the Crow Club, just right now," Jesper smiled proudly. 

Wylan winced, "Jesper, you've got to stop gambling. It's become an addiction by now. You'll get yourself into some trouble and it'll cost you something big."

"Hey, why'd you do that?"Jesper asked, walking closer to Wylan.

"Why'd I do what?"

"You did that thing with your eye, like you were in pain or something," Jesper inquired. 

Wylan from Jesper to a chair sitting in the middle of the lap, "Uh, just stabbed my finger earlier with a knife, it just hurt a tiny bit, that's all.

Jesper eyed him curiously as he continued to walk around the lab. He sat on the chair, pushing his trench coat dramatically behind him. Wylan chuckled at the sight, still amused by Jesper's daily dramatics. 

"You could've been an actor, you know," Wylan spoke up after a few moments of uncomfortable silence. 

"What?" Jesper arched an eyebrow in confusion.

"You're literally the most dramatic person I know and you chose to be a gunslinger," Wylan raise both his eyebrows. 

"Well, maybe because acting is not a Jesper talent," Jesper smirked, standing up form his chair. 

"Oh, really?"


"What is a Jesper talent, then?" Wylan teased, walking a bit closer to Jesper. 

"Kissing my boyfriend," Jesper smirked, standing right in front of Wylan. 

"Oh, really?"

"Really," Jesper said he leaned down and brought his lips onto Wylan's. The kiss was soft and gentle as if both of them were scared to hurt the other. They had kissed before, but this was something new. Not that Jesper was complaining. Wylan giggled as Jesper let go of his waist, to stop distracting him from the actual work that was meant to be done. Wylan turned around and accidentally hit himself with the side of a table. Wylan inhaled sharply, tears coming to his eyes. 

"Saints, Wylan, are you alright?" Jesper asked when Wylan crouched down, trying to ignore the pain pounding in his abdomen. Wylan fell to the floor, world flooding itself with a darkness Wylan never knew. Blood started pooling out of his side, as Jesper rushed over. He ripped off Wylan's shirt to reveal a nasty gunshot wound. 

"Saints, what have you gotten yourself into, Wy," Jesper cried. 

Wylan groaned, "I didn't want to alarm you or anything. This was a situation I could've dealt with on my own if I hadn't hit myself on the damn table."

"What happened, Wylan?" Jesper asked, even more stern than the last. 

"I was trying to get these chemicals, from the shop, not too far from here but store was getting robbed. I tried to help, but it only created another problem. The thieves are still out there," Wylan groaned, sitting against one of the tables in the lab.

"Wy, that isn't the most important thing right now, You are bleeding out, we need to get you to Nina. Now," Jesper stressed, "Babe, this might hurt just a bit, but I need to get you to stand up, okay?"

Wylan winced, but obliged. He slowly stood up, leaning immensely on the desk in front of him. Jesper then brought his own arm under Wylan, carrying him bridal style, which made Wylan cry in pain. Jesper set him down onto his feet, trying to give Wylan the less pain as possible. He grabbed Wylan's arm, bringing it around his shoulders, holding it in place. He then brought his other free arm on Wylan's waist where the gunshot wound was, pressing down on it, trying to suppress the amount of blood spurting out. Wylan shut his eyes, shrieking in pain, which made Jesper wince, not at the sound but at the fact that he was making his boyfriend scream in pain. He didn't like it one bit, but he had to get to the Crow Club as fast as he could. Wylan flinched at every step they took, but they were getting there. Of course, they received some nasty looks on the street, but that didn't matter right now. The only thing that mattered was getting Wylan to safety as quick as possible. 

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