☾ Yes ☽

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A/N: Hiyaaaa!! I'm sorry for not updating as much, exams are coming up, yayyyyyy. Anyway, I have about 6 more chapters in draft right now, so they will be uploaded very soon!! I hope you all like this chapter and have a wonderful day/night/afternoon!!! <333

Wylan and Jesper walked hand in hand by the seashore as the sun started to set. The sky was painted as a soft orange colour blending into the pink. The trees along the beach were coloured a dark green colour, which made the yellow of the sky pop out even more. It was a majestic moment, the leaves blowing in the wind, the sun high enough to warm them, but low enough so it isn't burning into their backs. 

"So, where are you taking me?" Wylan wondered aloud, swaying Jesper's hand, which was intertwined in his own, back and forth. 

"If I told you, that would ruin the surprise," Jesper smirked. 

Little did Jesper know, Wylan had a surprise for his boyfriend. 

They walked along the stone pathway for a little while as the sun set a little more by every passing minute. The sky turned into a dark red colour as it blended in with the black that had started to appear in the evening sky. 

"Okay, you can't look," Jesper muttered, placing his hands over his boyfriend's eyes. 

Wylan took a deep breath as they slowly walked around the large bushel of trees. He placed his arms in front of him, careful not to bump into anything. 

"It won't be for too long," Jesper comforted. 

Wylan nodded, smiling momentarily, "It's not that I don't trust you, I do, very much. It's just quite unsettling. The dark."

Jesper nodding in understanding. 

"Jes, I can't see you. I know you're nodding, but that doesn't ignore the fact that I still can't see you. Or anything for that matter," Wylan chuckled. 

Jesper shook his head, not liking his boyfriend to be uncomfortable, so he placed himself in front of Wylan, hiding the surprise from the blue eyes boring into his chest.

"You can open your eyes now, sunshine," Jesper announced. 

Wylan opened his eyes to find Jesper moving out the way to reveal his most elegant surprise. On a platform made of a dark shade of wood, stood two white victorian chairs with an equally victorian table in the middle. Soft cushions lay on the tops of the chairs and a beautiful shiny tablecloth lay atop of the table. An empty picnic basket lay on the wood platform as the components lay on the table, neatly placed. Candles and lanterns lit up the beach as the sun continued to set at an alarming rate. The lanterns were suspended in the air along a long brown cord over the table. At the end of each cord, there lay a rather skinny but sturdy stick, holding them up. A sum of 6 lanterns lay on all the of the cords combined, indicating all the years the two had been together. 

Wylan stared in shock as Jesper looked at him hesitantly. He looked around at every detail, every little speck and yes he could never find any faults in Jesper's surprise. It looked beautiful, with the stars starting to appear in the blue and black sky. 

"Do you like it?" Jesper asked after a few moments of silence. 

"For Saint's sake, Jes, I love it!! It's perfect," Wylan exclaimed, throwing his arms around his boyfriend. 

Jesper placed his hands on Wylan's waist and lifted him up in glee, "Oh, I'm so happy!! I was so worried you were going to hate it!"

"I could never hate it!! It's beautiful!! You're beautiful!!" Wylan exclaimed when his feet touched the ground once again. 

Jesper smiled warmly, placing a hand on Wylan cheek, "Saints, I love you, Wy. I could never stop loving you."

"You better not, because I couldn't either," Wylan smiled, placing his hand over Jesper's. 

After a few moments of comfortable silence, Jesper pulled Wylan towards the table, careful not to tip anything over. He pulled out the chair in silence, with a smile on his face and a white napkin in hand. Wylan sat on the chair, kissing his boyfriend on the cheek just moments before. 

"Is this okay?" Jesper asked hesitantly as he sat down across from golden haired man. 

"It's perfect," Wylan giggled, placing his hand over Jesper's. 

Jesper smiled for a moment then proceeded to explain the contents within the picnic basket, "Okay, so I tried to get all your favourite foods, but I couldn't find everything so I made Nina make some waffles for me."

"Jes, this is too much, really. You didn't have to do all this," Wylan beamed at the food sitting on the tabletop. 

"I wanted it to be perfect for you. You deserve this, Wy," Jesper smiled back. 

"Anything is perfect, as long as it's with you."

"Well, I tried to beyond that. It's our anniversary, darling. We deserve to at least have one day where we aren't on a job, and we get to celebrate each other. That's why I brought the one thing we can celebrate with and have the time of our lives."

"Stroopwaffles?" Wylan inquired. 

"Well... yes, I do have those right here," Jesper nodded, pulling a box of them out of the picnic basket before reaching in to grab something else, "Alcohol. We're allowed to have it for one night, I asked everyone to leave us be just for tonight. Don't worry."

"Good, because I haven't had any for the past 6 months. Kaz has been keeping me so occupied with jobs and all. It's pretty tiring if you ask me," Wylan shrugged, placing his glass in front of Jesper. 

Jesper felt a pang of guilt come up inside him as he saw the tiredness in Wylan's eyes. It had been his fault he had bag's under his eyes and weak arms. It hurt Jesper to see his boyfriend like this. He hated it. 

"Wy, before we start eating, there's something I need to tell you," Jesper stood up. 

"Sh-should I stand up too?" Wylan looked around, clearly confused at the level of seriousness in the air.

"No, no, it's alright," Jesper smile, taking his boyfriend's hand within his own, "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. It's my fault that you're this tired and beaten up. I had told Kaz that I wanted you on as many jobs as possible. I'm sorry."

The smile disappeared from Wylan's face, and was replaced by more confusion, "Why?"

"I needed to find the perfect thing for you. You are perfect to me and so I needed it to be perfect, without you suspecting something," Jesper looked away in shame. 

Wylan stood up and made his way over to where Jesper was standing. He rolled his finger and brought it up to Jesper's chin and brought it up, "Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be alright."

"Are you sure?"


'Wonderful, then," Jesper knelt down on one knee and took Wylan's hand in his own, "Wylan Hendricks, will you be my perfect husband?"

Wylan gasped loudly, holding his hands to his face, "Oh my Saints, Jes!!" 

Wylan held up a finger, in the middle of his freaking out and fished something out of his pocket, "Will you be mine, as well?"

"Yes, Saints, Wy!! Is that a yes for you too?" Jesper beamed, tears coming to his eyes. 

"Yes!! A million time yes!!" Wylan rushed to Jesper and swung his arms around him, pushing both bodies to the ground. 

"I love you so much, sunshine," Jesper muttered. 

"I love you too, Jes."

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