☾ Picnic ☽

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A/N: Hiya everyone!!! This chapter is based off this outing me and my friends had so I hope you like it!!! I am also rereading Six Of Crows because it is absolutely amazing!! I hope to add a bit of that inside of my oneshots!!! If anyone of you have requests, I will be so glad to add them into my story!! Have an amazing day/night/afternoon!! I love you guys <3333 

(i also would like to recommend a book to you all, it's called Dead Poets Society and it's literally my life, so yeah. you can go read it if you like, there's also a movie and it's amazing) :))

Jesper woke to the unusual sparkle of light, shining through his window. He yawned, sitting up. He stretched his arms out, cracking them as he tried waking himself up. He rubbed his eyes, as he sat on the edge of his bed. He looked up, just to be met with a ray of sunshine, blinding his view. As soon as he could see again, he looked out the window, still surprised at the strange amount of sunshine. He rubbed his eyes again, fearing that he was still asleep. He rushed to the door of his bedroom, hoping to find someone else awake at this time. He swung the door open to find a certain young man racing back and forth in front of Jesper's bedroom door. 


Wylan's head snapped up, finally noticing Jesper after a few moments, his eyes growing wide. 

"What are you doing here?"

He wrung his fingers together, looking down , blinking too hard, "I was wondering... Iwaswonderingifyou'dliketogotoapicnicwithme?" Wylan asked, talking too fast. 

"Sorry, what?" Jesper asked, leaning on the door frame, his arm over his head. 

Wylan looked up at Jesper softly, "I was wondering if you'd like to go to a picnic with me?" he said, slower this time. 

Jesper smirked, leaning a little closer to Wylan, "Oh, really? You like my company that much don't you?"

Wylan blushed furiously, looking to the side, grinning like a fool. 

Jesper hooked his finger under Wylan chin, softly looking into the other man's eyes, "I'd love to," he whispered. 

Wylan froze, not knowing what to do as his face grew redder by the second, "That's... that's really wonderful," he noted, still grinning at the beauty standing in front of him. 


"Yeah?" he responded, still looking softly into Jesper's eyes, slowly falling more and more in love with him. 

"Do you need help with the food?"

"Yeah," Wylan mumbled, unable to thinking clearly anymore. 

"Then we should start to get ready," Jesper smirked, knowing fully what he was doing. 

Wylan looked back and forth from Jesper's eyes and lips as Jesper grabbed his hand. 

"You two, go downstairs. It's too bright for this morning," a raspy voice grumbled from the hallway, snapping Wylan from his trance.

 He pulled his hand back from Jesper's and turned around quickly, tripping over his own feet. Jesper lunged forward, grabbing the other man by the waist, preventing him from falling. Wylan's breath hitched, his hands landing on Jesper's chest. He swallowed loudly as Kaz groaned again, moving past them and mumbling something about having coffee. 

"Th-thank you," Wylan stuttered, finding his stance once again. 

"Anytime, Wy," Jesper winked before walking past him, almost making Wylan melt on the spot. 

"Saints, Wylan. At least calm down a bit, he's just a guy. Your heart is racing," Nina commented as she walked out of her and Matthias' room, making her way to the bathroom. 

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