♡︎ Truth or Dare ♡︎

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Jesper was twirling his gun around his finger when an idea popped into his head. He had been sitting down with his feet up on a desk, watching Wylan work away with his chemicals.  Wylan had just turned 20 and Inej had gotten him some new chemicals to try out, and he couldn't wait. Wylan stole a glance at Jesper right when his face lit up. Wylan shook his head and mumbled many words, one which sounded like "No."

Jesper looked in shock at Wylan and put his hands up in surrender, "I didn't even say anything!!"

Wylan shook his head as he continued placing bottles in different places on his working table, "No, you didn't, but you have that look on your face."

"Oh, yeah, been looking at this face a lot, haven't you?" Jesper winked, making Wylan turn away and blush furiously.

"No, you've got the look on your face which means you have this terribly stupid plan and no matter what anyone says, it's most likely going to happen," Wylan turned back once he composed himself and shook his head even more.

Jesper chuckled and waved his finger at him knowingly, "You know me too well, merchling," Jesper laughed again before half running off to, Saints knows where.

After meddling with his smoking beakers and cylinders, Wylan became rather interested in what Jesper was planning and decided to go find him, wherever he may be.He made sure all the heating pads were off and nothing could accidentally combine together and explode the warehouse he was staying in at the moment. Wylan continued to shake his head in disbelief as he tied a lock around the doors and set out for the Crow Club. That was a good place to start. If he didn't find Jesper there, he could always ask Kaz or Inej and they would most likely know.

Wylan wandered the streets, admiring the starry night. It was one of the rare nights when the Ketterdam night sky's weren't filled with seemingly endless rows of clouds. Wylan could fully see all the constellations he had learned with his tutor when he was a young boy. Wylan smiled and looked around but remembered that Jesper wasn't with him. All her wanted to do right now was find him and tell him everything about each star and what they meant, but he thought he knew that that would never happen. Wylan thought that Jesper could never love a person like Wylan. He was thought he was too skinny, too freckled, too tattered up, too scrawny, but what he didn't know was that Jesper loved each and every one of those things. Wylan just had to figure it out.

Wylan arrived at the Crow Club thinking about how Jesper could hold his hand as ask him questions about the stars and the planets. He smiled to himself, hoping that it might happen one day. Soon, Wylan found Jesper talking to the other Crows in the corner of the Crow Club.

"What are you doing? You just left! I thought you went to go find something illegal to shoot up," Wylan accused.

"Might as well have," Kaz responded, rolling his eyes angrily.

"What is he talking about?" Wylan looked back and forth between Kaz and Jesper.

"He's saying that Jesper has another plan to kill us all," Inej said appearing beside Jesper and Wylan, making them both jump.

"Shit! You've got to stop doing that! My nervous system is not going to survive any longer if you keep scaring me like that," Jesper warned, earning a shrug from Inej.

"That's not really how that...Anyway, what stupid thing are you thinking of doing, Jesper?" Wylan asked, quickly changing the subject.

"I was thinking of playing a game, but we have to wait until Nina and Matthias get here," Jesper responded eagerly.

"We are here," Nina said, also appearing behind Jesper, hand in hand with Matthias.

"All of you have got to stop scaring me, it is not fun at all," Jesper glared, recovering from the second scare he had gotten in the last 20 seconds.

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