Chapter 24

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  Second to last chapter! Crazy to think it's over after one more chapter. Then book two! Which is coming.

  "These medical capsules are our way out of here". Echo said.

   "If our mass is evenly distributed, the buoyancy of these watertight chambers will bring us to the surface". Tech confirmed in detail.

    "Medical capsules have not been tested for such capabilities". AZI informed us. I shrugged my shoulders.

    "It's the only option we have. It's worth the risk". I said echoing their plan.

   "We won't have directional control". Hunter brought up. "How do we avoid the debris field out there?"

   "The droid". Crosshair piped up, joining back up with us. Which took the others by surprise, but not me. He was as desperate to get out of here as we were. But I also knew deep down he wanted to help.

   "AZI could you guide us to the surface?" I asked him kindly.

   "Barring any extraneous complications, I should be able to complete the task".

Omega stepped closer to the bot. Her friend. "Won't that be dangerous?" She asked, deeply worried about him.

   "Your safety and well being is my primary mission objective".

   "I barely fit in this thing!" Wrecker groaned, squeezing himself into a capsule.

   "Quit complaining. At least you're not doubled up". Echo stated back at him. I rolled my eyes at them. "And why isn't Onyx in here with you instead?"

   "As I relayed to you before our mass needs to be evenly distributed for the chambers to reach the surface".

   "Trust me, if it wasn't for that reason he'd greatly take me over you". I smiled at the two of them. Tech grinned back in confirmation.

Wrecker handed out each of us a set of explosives. We then all placed them on the glass window.

   "The explosives are set".

    It was then time to get into our select pods. I slid back as far as I could giving Omega enough room to get in. The minute she was in I reached out and closed our capsule shut tight. Praying that no water made it in when the glass was broken. I nodded to Omega as she looked up at me in confirmation. With the control in her hand she pressed her thumb down. The second the button was pushed, a wave of water flooded the room we were in. Our pods were thrashed out of the lab and into the endless sea in seconds. Omega grabbed hold of my hand. No doubt needing someone to comfort her. I squeezed her hand back in reassurance.

   As we floated slowly up to the surface, debris was everywhere. AZI was doing his best with his boosters to push it out of the way of the capsules. However more and more was coming at us. Most of it kicking around me and Omega's pod. Her grip on me tightened and I desperately wanted to get her out of here.

   My eyes widened at the large metal piece coming straight at us. AZI was busy helping Hunter and Crosshair that he didn't notice it in time. The piece was dragging up back down. This was not good.

   Thankfully Hunter must have taken notice and relayed it to AZI, as the droid was on us in minutes. Doing his hardiest to get the piece away from us. I took note that the rest of them had made it to the surface. I breathed out a sigh of relief. Thank the force they were okay.

    "Omega! Onyx! Do you copy?! What's happening?!" Hunters frantic voice finally reached us on our coms.

   "We're okay, Hunter". I informed him. "We just got stuck on some debris. AZI got us out. Will be topside soon".

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