Chapter 13

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The flacks of snow stopped falling as the frigid cold air nipped at my skin. A darkness was curling it's fingers around my bones. Fear soaked the air as I took in my surroundings. A shiver of pain moved it's way up my body. I crumbled to the ground. Unable to take it. It's hold on me unbearable to withstand. Towers of white started to form. The towers, now turned figures morphed into dark shadows of pure terror, before me.

Bright red lights blazed all around me as I fought them off. There was no where left for me to turn. I was being boxed in and they knew it. Took advantage of it. I couldn't get away. I was trapped and this was the end. The red eyes closed in and I was encaged in darkness.

""Execute order 66""

   "NO" I cried out as I came to. I pushed myself up from my bed. Sweat dripping down my forehead splattered on my night shirt. I quickly looked around at my surroundings. I was in the Marauder. I was safe. I breathed out a sigh of relief as I brought my fist against my forehead.

        The nightmare wasn't as bad as before. The figures were becoming less and less clear. Thank the force. That was probably for the best. A sign that I was getting better. That or.....I was becoming numb to the pain. That idea seemed more plausible.

       I pulled the covers off me and picked up my robe from the floor. It was late. No one else appeared to be awake. That was good. I had hoped I hadn't woken anyone up with my cries. Everyone needed their sleep. I reached for my data pad and made my way to the main area.

      A few lights seemed to be still on. However as I came in closer I stopped at a familiar face tapping away on his own device. I shook my head. Not surprised he was still up. He was a night owl. Tech lifted his gaze from his device. Finally aware of me. However his face quickly changed to one of distress. He was more then likely studying the sweat and tear stains lingering on my skin. He started to rise from his chair but I shook my head.

    "It's okay, Tech. I-I'm fine".

He was not convinced.

    "Your appearance says otherwise". He replied, worry echoing in his voice. His attention never left me as I sat down across from him.

I sighed deeply. "Nightmare". I answered him. A layer of silence filled the space between us. Hunter and Echo were the only two that I was aware of that knew about my nightmares. The latter being the one who usually got me through it.

    His gaze on me morphed into one of sympathy. Yet he was still on edge as well. Finding the right words to say to me, I was certain. I wanted to tell him that he did not need to comfort me if he couldn't find the words too. Or if he was uncomfortable. He made it clear that this would be hard at times for him. In no way did I want him to force himself. Before I could say as much, Tech cut me off.

     "May I inquire as to what it was about? I realize that it may be...difficult for you to discuss, but as I have stated before, expressing one's feelings can be a way to relieve stress". He certainly regretted asking as soon as he was finished. Waving his hands in front of him in an apologetic way. Reaching out I grabbed hold of his hand. I then intertwined ours together.

    "Relax, Tech". My voice softly spoke. "I'm okay to tell you. Though I don't want you to be upset-"

   "I am afraid we are past that point cyar'ika". A sternness to his voice quickened my heart beat. The affectionate term not helping in the slightest.

   "Yes, well you'll just have to keep calmer I suppose".

    "I will do my best". He replied.

I inhaled then exhaled deeply, bringing my knees to rest against my chest. "My nightmare was about order 66".

My brilliant cyar'ika ~~ Tech x OC Where stories live. Discover now