Chapter 17

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Now we're on to the final three episodes of season one. Which means the story is drawing to a close. That's crazy to think about it.

      Omega breathed in and out again. Steadying her breath to a calming flow. I tilted my head to the side to eye her stance. Then walked over to her, placing my hand on her shoulders. I closed my eyes and listened to her energy. The force was naturally flowing through her like all living things. She was calm enough now to detect it. Though as she let out a huff she seemed to not feel it herself.

   "It's not working". She groaned frustrated.

   "It is". I replied, a soft smile present. She opened her eyes while crossing her arms over her chest. Wrecker chuckled from his spot, leaning against the ship wall. I shot him a minor glare.

   "I don't feel anything". She said meeting my eyes. I turned my focus to her once more.

    "That's because your not concentrating enough". My gaze darted back to Wrecker, his arms crossed over his chest. A chuckle deep in his throat. He was watching us both intently with a sly grin across his face. "Not to mention we have an unwanted distraction". Emphasis on both unwanted and distraction.

    "It was my understanding that the Jedi needed to tune out distractions". Tech informed from the pilots seat. I nodded my head at both his true statement and Omega.

   "We did, though it was easier said then done for some. Besides". I turned my mild annoyance glance to Wrecker. "We didn't have an audience who didn't know when to stop with the snide remarks". Wrecker gave me a what did I do look. I rolled my eyes at him.
My gaze flickered down to the console as it lit up with a beeping sound. I stood up from my legs crossed posture, then helped Omega up. We then made my way into the cockpit.

    "We're being hailed. It's....Rex". Echo said in shock. A surprised yet elated smile widened across my lips as Echo flipped the switch. Rex's blue figure flashed to life before us. His head hidden slightly by a hood, as to keep his cover.

   "Good to see you again, Rex". I greeted him.

He smiled at seeing my face once more. Relief washing over him knowing that I was safe.

    "You too, vod'ika". He greeted back. A warmth filling me inside. "I have a favor to ask of you boys".

   He cut right to the chase. I exchanged a look with Hunter.

   "What do you need, Rex?" I asked him, crossing my arms over my chest. Rex appeared to be anxious. I was certain of it. If not for how he was glancing over his shoulder, but from the energy I could feel from his stance. Almost like he was afraid to ask us for help with whatever he needed. I wondered why?

     Hunter straightened his posture. Fully alert now to Rex's incoming request.

    "I received a distress signal from a clone trooper, but I'm a bit tied up at the moment to retrieve him".

    Rex had to have known that the mention of a clone trooper in distress would always spark something in me. He knew I would help them out no matter what the circumstances were. They were my brothers. My family. Besides Rex would only ever reach out if it was important and this was very important. To the both of us. I darted my gaze to Hunters. His face still eyeing Rex's hologram. He was slowly stroking his chin, mulling over his request in his head. A slight disappointed look in his brown eyes.

   "You want us to recover a reg?" He finally inquired.

The name slightly irritating to hear. I knew they didn't like the regular clones all that much, it didn't help that they were unnecessarily rude to them, but still. All clones were the closet thing I had to family and having them treat the bad batch like that left a bad taste in my face. Even still the name didn't probably help the situation.

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