Chapter 18

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I darted towards the higher up terrain, not bothering to see if the the boys were behind me. I knew they'd catch up sooner rather then later. I didn't want to waste anytime so I took off as soon as I reassured Omega I'd be okay. I finally reached the top of the mountain and took in my surroundings as I crouched down. More pine trees filled the surface. However it seemed quieter then down below. The natural flow appeared to be distributed. No doubt by the military base I was sensing.

   The boys eventually caught up with me after a few minutes. Tech crouched himself down next to me.

    "It appears to be some kind of military base". I relayed to them, closing my eyes listening to what the force was trying to tell me. While looking for any signs of Gregor.

   "Not one that I've ever heard of". Tech said as his eyes met the approaching ship. All of us dropped our heads lower to the ground to not be detected. The last thing we needed. My eyes focused back onto the ship was I watched it land inside the mountain on a docking bay. My eyes darted to Hunter. A signal exchanged between us. He nodded his head as I stood up.

   "Come on. Let's get a closer look". He determined. Didn't have to tell me twice. I followed after him, starting down the rock formation to locate the entrance of said military base.

     Nearing the edge of the ledge, that stationed the base, Echo pulled out his pair of binoculars. "I'm clocking a couple of commandos and squads of clone troopers...they've updated their armor". Echo informed, a twinge of confusion in his voice.
I exchanged a look with Tech. Both of us just as perplexed.

   New armor? I mean I had a feeling the empire might change things up, but the clones armor? The feeling in my chest was growing into something I didn't like, but now wasn't the time. We needed to get to Gregor and then get the hell out of here.
   Then again...ignoring such a feeling was never good. Especially when I had no plans on getting myself or the others captured. I sighed deeply. It was better to let Hunter know about my uneasiness.

   Tech must had said something to Hunter as he was now shaking his head at his intelligent brother. "This is no longer just a simple extraction. Let's get back to the Marauder and leave word for Rex". He replied as he stood up. As did Tech, pulling my gaze to them.

   I shook my head. We couldn't just leave. Bad feeling or not, I wouldn't leave Gregor in that cell. Before I was about to refuse, Echo spoke up. "But what about the mission?" The two of them stopped in their tracks.

   "We do not know for certain if CC-5576 is even in there....or if he is-"

   "I'm not leaving him!" I stated sternly looking at the two of them. My saber was now clutched in my hand. My brows furrowed as I stared down at Tech. "He's alive. I know it and I'm not leaving this planet without him!"

Tech stepped forward. His hands outstretched in concern. "I will not allow such a risk if it results in you getting captured".
I sighed deeply and stared back at him. My gaze softened slightly. He was worried about me. I knew they all were, but I wouldn't give up without a fight. I promised Omega that I wouldn't get taken.

    Besides I couldn't just walk away knowing that Gregor was alive and in need of a rescue. He was important to me and I saw that Tech knew that. He had to have known that. All clones were important to me. If I had even a sliver of a chance to rescue one, I would. No matter the risk.

   "None of us want to see you get captured, Onyx". Hunter echoed what the rest of the group was thinking. Tech sighed and nodded. "We'd be going in blind without any reinforcements".

   "You've done it before, Hunter". I reminded him, averting my gaze to the former arc trooper.

   "Onyx's right. You did that on Skako Minor when you rescued me. I'd still be trapped in that place if you hadn't". Echo said strongly.

My brilliant cyar'ika ~~ Tech x OC Where stories live. Discover now