Chapter 16

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This is probably my favorite chapter! I just love how it turned out.

     There it was. The Star glow flower. It's large white angelic petals glowing like Star light, Illuminating the plant life around it. My breath hitched in my throat as I took in its beauty. It was breathtaking the way it stood dead center in of all the other blossom. I couldn't believe I was here. Witnessing all its wonder. It felt surreal.

     The longer I stared at it the calmer my body grew. I could feel it calling out to me. Beckoning me towards it. I felt a few droplets of water on my hand. I looked down to realize what it was. Tears. I was crying at the shire beauty of the flower. How could I not? I had been waiting to see a flower like this for so long.

    I wouldn't never get to see a moonlight flower, but this beauty before me was all I could have asked for. I turned my head to see what Tech thought of it and my heart nearly erupted out of my chest. He was stunned. His date pad long discarded on the ground beneath us. His brown eyes were the widest I'd ever seen.

    It was then that I picked up on his heart beat. It was rapid. Yet gracefully. He was awestruck by the plant before us too. If his face didn't give it away, the beating of his heart did.

    "Remarkable" Tech breathed. Being the first of us to utter a word. I pulled my gaze back to the flower.

    "It is". I agreed, my eyes glistening with a glow like the display in front of us. Slowly I took a step forward, brushing the large leaf away from me. I approached the blossom with hesitation. I had no desire to disturb it in its natural habitat. I knew better then to do that. But I also needed to get a closer look.

    Tech slowly followed behind me. The both of us crouching down, our shoulders touching in the process. I reached my hand out with the intent to touch it, but pulled away at the last second. Tech eyed me with a puzzled expression.

   "Are you not going to touch it?" He asked. I sighed deeply.

   "I want to...I'm just.." I shook my head and met his stare. Get a grip, Onyx. "It's such a beautiful flower and I've been waiting so long to see one-one similar to the moonlight. I'm just afraid I'm not worthy enough to touch it I just-

     Techs gaze softened before me as he took his fingers and interlaced them with mine. The tension slowly exiting my body.

    "It would seem as though, I am not the only one who rambles on". Tech replied, a soft smile forming on his lips. I let out a breath I had been holding in. My cheeks heating up in embarrassment.

    "I guess so". I said eyeing the flower again. It was absolutely stunning. Like liquid starlight. How could something so beautiful exist in such a place?

    Because it was hidden. Hidden from those who would rip it from the very soil without a care in the world. Here it was far from prying and greedy eyes. Thank the force it was. After Aurora's destruction, not many rare and vibrant flower species existed. Aurora was known for its vast botanical collection. Many flocked from all over just to see it. It was a rare sight to behold.

    "People used to come to Aurora just to see the plant life. It was rich in vibrancy. They use to tell stories that the force created that planet as a paradise for the galaxy. Noting that a single petal from a moonlight flower or any plant on Aurora, could be used to heal any ailment". I relied to Tech. My eyes glistening with pure ecstasy as I continued to gaze longingly at the star glow flower. It's beauty knowing no bounds.

     "Mesh'la". Techs soft exclaim fluttered my heart. Especially as I turned to face him, his eyes no longer focused on the flower, but on me. A warm smile graced his lips. His eyes reflecting a fondness for the figure beside him. The redness in my cheeks deepened. I saw his eyes flicker to my lips and I wanted what I knew he did too. His hand trailed its way up my arm. Sending shivers across it. As he began to lean in his com came alive.

My brilliant cyar'ika ~~ Tech x OC Where stories live. Discover now