Chapter 10

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When Cid told us our next job would be delivering weapons to the Twi'leks from Ryloth I was a bit surprised. It had been quite a while since I had last been. Though we were meeting them on neutral ground, I still felt something was off about it. But I shook it off. We had a job to do.

Hunter and I were the first ones off the ship. My saber was tucked safely away in Tech's pack. The less people knew what I was the better we had all agreed. The rest followed us. Tech, as usual clung close to me. Omega sat down on the ramp as per instructed. If things didn't go as planned she'd have a safe place to escape to.

"Are you Gobi? Cid sent us". Hunter questioned.

"Along with three dozens blasters and a case of thermal detonators". Tech chimed in, reading over the supply list on his device. I met the gaze of the figures next to Gobi. The smaller one grabbing my attention. She looked like she was around Omega's age. What was a kid doing on weapons supply run of all things? It seemed strange.

"Let's see the weapons". Gobi stated, studying the clones carefully. Wrecker pulled the lids off of the crates.

I smiled, as I spotted the younger green Twi'lek walking towards our ship, in awe. She clearly was amazed by the Marauder. As she continued moving closer, I noticed the curious expression on Omegas face. She was trying to figure her out.

"Hunter, can she come aboard?" Omega called in question. Hunter turned. He appeared to hesitate for a few seconds before nodding.

"It's a start". Gobi sighed as he closed up the crates. A start for what? "Have Cid contact me when she has more to sell". I turned my gaze to Hunters. I knew beneath his visor he had the same look as I did. What was Gobi planning?

"Building an arsenal attracts attention. You better know what you're getting into". Hunter warned him. I stepped forward as Gobi answered him back.

"We don't have a choice". Gobi sighed, grabbing both of the crates. "Hera we're leaving". He called out to the girl who was in gaged in conversation with Omega. A smile was present on both of their faces. One began to grace my own lips. I hoped she made a friend. She would always have us, but having someone her own age was what she deserved. Hera nodded and raced after her people.

"Good luck". Omega called out to the Twi'lek named Hera. She waved back to her as Omega joined us.

Hunter fixed his visor down at the her. "Make a new friend?" He asked, the hint of a grin leaking through his voice.

"She's kind of strange. I like her". She smiled. I patted her on the shoulder.

"The strange ones are always the most fun". I said, my gaze fixated on the squad in front of us.

Omega giggled at my statement. "Did you know flyings about a feeling?"

A smirk peaked out from my lips as I saw Tech lift his attention from his device to focus on the kid. He was utterly confused. "What feeling?" He questioned.

"Your smart". I replied, planting a kiss on the side of his helmet. "You'll figure it". I bit the bottom of my lip as I felt the pacing of his heartbeat pick up speed. His heart beat had quickly become a sound that I reveled in.

"You dyed his hair pink?" Omega gasped. I nodded to her. She was having a hard time holding back her laughter at my story. I ran my fingers through her blonde hair again, to which Omega finally burst. Laughter filled the air around us. That sound made my heart fill with warmth.

"Rex was so pissed. He was completely ready to strangle me. Fives and Echo tried to reason with him, but when it came to his precious blonde hair there was no reasoning with him". I chuckled remembering that day. I had never seen Rex so enraged before. I knew he'd never lay a hand on me, but it was still quite a show to see him so upset over his hair. I promised him I would fix it and that's just what I did. Two days later, a few cans of blonde dye and his hair was back to normal.

My brilliant cyar'ika ~~ Tech x OC Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon