Chapter 19

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      Blaster shots rang out everywhere all around us. I was doing my best to block and deflect as many blasts as possible. Though that would have been much easier with my saber, but igniting it now would have been a bad call. I took out another smoke bomb from my belt and threw it straight at them. Smoke erupted down the hall as another shot rang out. Unfortunately this time it hit me. I gripped my arm in pain. A cry escaped my lips. Tech's attention quickly focused on me. Before he could utter a word, another blast shot Gregor in his chest. He groaned. Tech's gaze never left mine as we stopped in the control room. He pressed a few buttons and locked us inside.

"How bad is it?". Hunter inquired, looking at the red mark on my arm. Tech studied it. I smiled to both of them before placing my hand on the wound, healing it instantly. Tech sighed in relief at my wound being gone. I walked over to Gregor, placed my hand on his chest and healed it quickly.

"Woah-haha thanks general". He thanked me, amazed at what I could do. I flashed him a quick smile.

"They have all access points the central ring blocked off". Echo groaned as he unplugged. My eyes shot up to the ceiling.

"There". I pointed up. "Those pipes are our way out". Hunter and Echo shot me a confused look. Tech however, smiled at my observation.

"Mind filling us in". Echo said.

"They should lead to the main reactors external exhaust port". Tech explained to them.

"Our pathway to the outside". I added smiling back at Tech.


Gregor shook his head. "The exhaust vents halfway up the mountain. We can't survive that jump". He scoffed.

I shook my head at him, as a smirk lit upon my lips. "Oh we won't be jumping". I exclaimed as I reached for yet another bomb on my belt. I tossed it up into the vent. A few seconds later it exploded and the metal gate fell to the ground.

With time running short I figured it was best to let myself go first and then lift the rest of them up using the force. Thankfully they were all lighter then Wrecker. Still, it did cause an a weariness to appear. My body was a bit tired from doing so, but that was a matter for later.

"How did you even end up in this place?" Echo questioned Gregor after we made it out of the vent and were now walking on normal ground.

"I was sent here with other commandos and I quickly realized I wanted out". Gregor paused then let out a chuckle. "It turns out the Empire doesn't take too kindly to desertion".

I laughed along with him. "Ya think".

"Wrecker, Omega come in". Hunter called into his comm as soon as we were within communication range again.

"We read you, Hunter". Omega replied. I smiled to myself hearing her voice again. I just hoped I could hear it in person. "Is Oynx with you?" She asked.

I pulled my comm up to my lips. "I'm okay, Omega". I replied.

"Good to hear it!" Wrecker replied.

"We have the target, but we ran into some trouble. We need a pickup". Hunter replied.

"On our way". Wrecker claimed.

"Glad we're not going that way". Gregor chuckled, looking down at the cliff side. So was I. It didn't take long for my eyes to spot our ship off in the distance.

"We are in approach". Omega reported in, Hunters comm beeping as she relied her reply.

"We see you". Tech answered back. Troopers had started to make their way out of the vent we had just come from. Blaster fire once again raining out all around us. Now was good as any time to join the fight. Protecting my family was my first priority. So I did what I had to do. I ignited my blade and began to deflect as many bolts as I could. I wouldn't let them hurt them. Not while I still stood.

The Marauder pulled up along side us and the ramp slide down. Tech was the first to jump on and I knew that if I didn't follow him on after I would never hear the end of it. I reached my hand around Gregors waist and hoisted him onto the ship. Hunter and Echo both continued to fire off shots at the troopers.

The sounds of more ships overhead was not a good sign. Tech reached the pilot seat and had to fly the Marauder away from the ledge. Blaster shots from the ships now surrounded us as we curved our way through the sky. There was no time for me to pull Omega into my arms to let her know that I was okay. Having her by my side though surly made up for it. As she seemed to bask in my presence. Happy that I was back on the ship.

"Tech we need to go back around". I reminded him, slight agitation in my voice.

"I am working on it". He answered taking down another ship.

The Marauder then came back around. Omega raced to outstretched ramp, shouting at the last two to jump. Echo did just that. He jumped aboard causing my beating heart to calm slightly. However that still left Hunter. My ears picked up on the sounds of more incoming ships. Kriff. This was getting worse by the minute. Tech quickly jolted the ship sideways at the exact same time that Hunter jumped off the ledge. The panic fear in my chest was growing as I watched Hunter barely have time to grab on before he was then free falling towards the ground.

       "HUNTER!!" Omega cried out watching him fall through the sky. His body quick vanished. Engulfed by all the trees. I slammed my first into the wall then proceeded to swipe the falling tears from my face.

    "Hunter do you copy!" I demanded into my comm link as I pulled Omega back inside. She struggled but wasn't doing it to her full capacity.

    "Hunter!" I cried out again.

Another wave of silence.


   "Get the ship out of here. I will find another way back". Hunter stated.

    I shook my head. No. There was no way we were leaving him!

   "Negative. The odds of escape are not in your favor". Tech said quickly back to him.

      This couldn't be happening. How did he expect us to just leave him here? Find another way my ass. What if the empire got to him first? What if Crosshiars did? No doubt they were aware of our presences here now.

     But as I looked around at the others I realized an upsetting truth. Hunter was right. He swore an oath to protect his team. His family. And us getting out of here alive, even without him was the best call he had. Even if I desperately hated it so much. The thought of leaving him....Anyone of them behind did not sit right with me, but what other choice did we have?

     I sighed deeply and met Tech and Echo gazes. They were starting to realize it too. We didn't have much of a choice.

    "No, we have to back for him! Hunter, tell them to come back! Order them to!!" Omega begged. I shook my head and placed my arms around an upset Omega. She instantly crumbled into my arms as Tech steered the ship off of Daro.

Leaving Hunter behind, even after I know what's gonna happen, still makes me anxious.

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