Chapter 21

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The lab that Omega led us to didn't look that different from the medical one I had frequented. It didn't seem that different to them either was we searched around.

"Hunter's comm is still active". Tech informed from next to me.

Wrecker shrugged his shoulders, "I don't get it. What's so special about this lab? He asked Omega.

Omega with her hand resting on a tube answered him, "Its where I was created". My eyes darted over to her. More guilty running through me.

"Here?" I stuttered.

She nodded. "You all we're here too".

Tech looked perplexed, "What do you mean?"

"Your mutations were enhanced in this room. Experimental Unit 99 began right here". She paused for a moment. "I was there". My eyes widened at her declaration. Then I looked amongst the others, Omega was older then them. That was an unexpected revelation.

Wrecker audibly gasped. "Wha... is that true?" He stared at Tech. Looking to him for an answer, that he obviously didn't have.

"How could I possibly know that?" He questioned his big brother. I chuckled lightly at his response.

"It was only for a short time, before you were sent to be with the other clones" she added. I thought crossed my mind. Maybe that's why she was so eager to meet them, from what Hunter told me. Because she was there the moment they were enhanced. She felt a connection to them seeing as how she was the only female clone. A genetically mutated clone like them. All the pieces were now falling into place. It all made sense.

Tech had moved his body to the main computer in the room. Searching it for anything he could find.

"Something's not right". He relied to us as I joined him at the computer.

"What's wrong?"

"The central files have been wiped. There's nothing in the system". He replied looking over to me. I gulped at that. That was strange and not a good sign. On several Jedi missions the sign of important files being wiped meant only one thing. That thought of it being that cause my body to tense up. If it was that then we needed to—

A clanking noise coming from one of the tubes caused all of us to react immediately. The boys weapons were drawn and I on instinct ignited my lightsaber. Who was ever behind the object moved away from it. Showing their appearance to is. I lowered my blade at the small bot.

"Do not shoot! I am AZI-345211-"

Omega lowered her bow, an audible surprised gasp escaping her mouth. "AZI?" She ran over to him. Clearly surprised and happy to see him again.

"Omega! I am relieved it is you". He replied.

"What are you doing down here?" She asked him. It did seem strange for him to be here when he appeared to be more of a medical looking droid.

"I am in hiding. Soldiers were deactivating droids and forcing key Kaminoan medical personnel onto transports. Those who resisted were eliminated". He informed all of us. My heart beat quickened. The cautious feelings from earlier now growing at AZI information. This was getting worse by the minute. Something was about to go down on Kamino and I desperately prayed to the force that we weren't still here when it did. Otherwise I dreaded what would happen to us.

"The clones did that?" Echo asked him. I shook my head, meeting all of their eyes.

"I-I don't think so. It must have been the same ones at the military base". I suggested.

My brilliant cyar'ika ~~ Tech x OC Where stories live. Discover now