Chapter 4

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Hunter was right. I spotted Tech in the other room, powering down the machines. Thankfully he was up and moving around. It seemed that he wasn't too badly injured. I let out a relieved sigh. Thank the force he was okay. However my relief was short lived as the closer I got towards him, I spotted something on the upper section of his neck. Marks that resembled the form of a hand print. So he was injured.

"I'm glad to see your up and moving again, Tech" I said softly as not to startle him. Though I did. If ever so slightly. Tech averted his gaze from his data pad to me. "You had me worried there for a moment".

"Your concern is not warranted". He stated, looking back at his device. "The marks are not deep enough. Fortunately they will heal with proper medical application".

I couldn't believe this. He was grabbed sharply by his neck and slammed into a bunch of metal crates. That left a mark. Several ones in fact and not just minor ones. He had to have been in some form of pain and he was choosing to ignore it. Or at least my concern for him. Why? Why would he not want me to be concerned for him? Or his health? Was I not important to him? Was my concern not wanted by him?

While Tech was the most logical of his squad, I would have at least thought he'd be okay with one or all of us being worried about his health. It only seemed fair, seeing as how he was, at times his squads medic. Looking over us and ordering routined check ups after most missions. Especially the less then....ideal ones.

Then why?

I kept racking my brain for answers.

Then it hit me.

Did Tech not care about his own life? Did he see himself as expendable...

He couldn't...could he?

The team would be in shambles without him. He was a huge important part of it. He knew so much about how their ship worked and functioned, how to properly repair it, the vast collection of endless knowledge, and so much more. He was essential to this team.

"Onyx, are you alright?" The softness in his voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"I'm fine" I snapped back slightly. Maybe it was unnecessary, but I wanted him to know that what he said pissed me off greatly.

I shook my head. "Actually I'm not".

"My concern is not warranted? Really? Tech, Wrecker nearly choked you and then when he didn't he threw you into some crates. Threw you! That was difficult to watch. Do you have any idea how upset I was seeing you like that? Lying their unconscious? Not sure if you'd-"

"I do"


Tech glanced up from his data pad and his soft brown eyes met mine. "I do, in fact know what it is like to see someone unconscious and be....distressed".

That stopped me in my tracks.

"I don't-"

"Before our chips were removed, Rex and I found you, Onyx"

Oh. He must have been the one who picked me up and moved me to the med bay. As I could have sworn I saw Tech's helmet through the fog.

"I'm sorry you had to find me like that, Tech. I'm sure it wasn't easy to see one of your teammates like that". I replied, "but thank you for taking care of me".

Tech brought his hand up to adjust his goggles and I swore that I could have seen a slight tint of pink flash in his checks. Must have been my imagination.

"I-Your welcome. It was no trouble. Your wounds needed to be tended to and I-I couldn't handle seeing you like that". The last part seemed be mumbled. I wasn't completely sure as to why.

My brilliant cyar'ika ~~ Tech x OC Where stories live. Discover now