Chapter 8

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    Nothing new had changed as we walked through the streets of Ord Mantell and I was thankful for that. Between our previous stressful mission and the ever growing fear of being found, I welcomed the never changing atmosphere. Omega was peacefully inthralled with her bucket of mix, upon our tanks shoulders, as per usually. Every once in a while she'd hand me a piece and I'd pop it into my mouth.

"How's the Mantell Mix, kid?" Wrecker asked. Omegle beamed and gave me a handful this time.

"Better then ever".

"Yeah, it is". He laughed along with her. I smiled at the two of them.

"How can you eat that?" Echo questioned beside me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"It's not that bad. You should try some". Echo looked applaud by my suggestion. I rolled my eyes at his attitude.

"So, what's our next mission?" Omega asked. Tech turned his attention from his data pad to the two figures behind him.

"With two bounty hunters after you, it'd be wise to keep a low profile. Not to mention, we are lucky that neither one of them caught sight of Onyx. If either one of them had spotted her it would have been...less then ideal". Tech informed us. At this his hand drifted to mine at my side. His was still worried about the possibility that I could have been noticed. I squeezed his hand back. Letting him know that I greatly appreciated his concern. Hunter turned around too. Stopping the group.

"Tech's right". His eyes flickered to mine for a split second then to Omega's. "There's too much heat on us right now".

"After Bracca we should lay low for a bit". I agreed.

Wrecker set down Omega, then laughed. "That's never stopped us before".

"Wrecker". I warned as Hunter pulled him aside. Echo and Tech doing their best to try to distract her.

"The kid's been through enough". Hunter sternly reminded him. I sighed and patted Wrecker on the back as we dropped down the steps into the parlor.

"I know you mean well, but Omega needs to rest. Even if it's just for a bit". I added. Wrecker shook his head in acknowledgment. I knew he wanted Omega to feel safe. He, after all was the one to turn our gunners mount into a room for her. He cared about his little sister deeply.    
   Unfortunately, like the rest of us he was used to being a soldier. That was something that wouldn't vanish overnight.

"I've got a mission for you boys. A simple extraction on Raxus". Cid uttered the very second we stepped inside the bar. eyes widened. She had to be kidding me. There was no way in hell.

"Raxus? That is the former center of the Separatist government. It has since become an Imperial outpost-"

"I'm not interested in a history lesson, Goggles". She cut him off. "You're being hired to locate and free Senator Avi Singh from his confinement. My client will meet you at the given coordinates to brief you. Details are on this". She threw the chip towards Hunter. He quickly looked down at it, as did I.

"Help a Separatist? Not gonna happen". He rejected, tossing the chip back to her. I turned my gaze to the large green lizard. A glare rising in my eyes.

    Did she forget what side we fought for? There was no way that we were going to help out the Separatist. Not after all the terrible things they did to both my kind and my brothers. Especially not after what they did to my home planet. I would never forgive them for that. All they cared about was power and greed. Tech must have detected my anger, as his hand came to rest on my back. His glove hand rubbing against my bare skin softly, sent a sweet sensation to my entire body. His touch was calming and I needed that right now. My other hand still his, I sent him a quick squeeze. To thank him.

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