Chapter 2

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Yeah I had to split it up again. I wanted to keep the chapters at a reasonable length for me. Not only to keep it manageable for myself, but also in case I get behind.

"I don't like this plan one bit". Wrecker groaned on board the Marauder. Tech was busying tinkering away on his chip reader as I sat beside him with Omega on my lap. She insisted upon it when we got back on the ship.

   "We agreed to meet Rex on Bracca, Wrecker. That's what we're doing". Hunter replied sneaking a glance at the two of us. I sent a reassuring glance to him. It was gonna be okay. Eventually.

   "He wants to cut open my head". I patted Wrecker's knee. Trying to ease his worry.

   "All of our heads to be fair actually". Tech interjected.

Omega beamed and leaned back into me, "Not mine. I don't have an inhibitor chip".

    "Why not? Now, thats not fair". Wrecker grumbled.

    "It'll be okay, Wrecker. You'll be under so you shouldn't feel anything. It'll be over soon". Tech's less then stealthy glances my way only furthered that he was more worried about me and the situation then he was letting on.

    "How's the chip scanner coming, Tech?" I asked meeting his eyes. He jolted slightly before readjusting his goggles.

    "Since Rex's chip was removed, I am able to establish a baseline by comparing his brain scan to ours. Allowing for the detection of any cellular anomaly". He stated. A laugh escaped my lips as I noticed the others were completely confused by his very scientific explanation. Omega, too seemed to be amused by it.

    "He means its nearly finished. Right Tech?"

    "I-well yes. That is precisely what I mean. Thank you, Oynx". I bumped my shoulder into his, letting him know that I, at least appreciated his detailed explanation. He picked up on my gesture, and smiled quickly before going back to his creation.

    "Do we really have to do this?" Under going any type of surgery was not a thrilling adventure, but this was one that needed to be done. They didn't deserve to be controlled by those chips. I couldn't bare to watch more of my brother succumb to the affects of them. It wasn't fair to them. To have their very humanity taken away from them? No, I wouldn't allow it to happen again. Not to them.

    "If Rex is sure, we should trust him".

    "He is. None of you should be subjugated to what those chips can do". None of the clones should have been. "I couldn't bare it if-" Omega, without another thought wrapped her arms around me. Catching me off guard.

    "You won't have to, Onyx". Hunter promised.

Echo nodded in agreement, "We wont let anything happen to you".

   "You and Omega's safety, as well as removing our chips is top priority" Tech added.

   "There right". Omega joined in. A warmth seeped its way into my soul. While no one would ever replace the bonds I had with the clones of the 501st, the bad batch was so important to me. They made me feel, at times like the 501st did. Reminded me of all the good times. And for that I was going to protect them with everything that I was.

     "What is this place?" Omega questioned in awe as we exited the ship.

     "A starship graveyard". Hunter answered back. That was true enough. Seeming all these starships sent a shiver down my spine. I clutched my saber tighter in my hand. Something about being here felt strange. Might have been the way all these ships were just discarded. Left to rust, due to the natural elements. Or perhaps it was how they represented a now by gone era.

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