Chapter 6

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Crosshairs makes his appearance...oh man
So flashback parts will be in italics. That way you can it's different from the normal text.

According to Tech's Intel the weapons were still aboard and would be worth a decent amount. The armory and artillery were out best bets. A single nuclear torpedo went for thousands on the black market. I couldn't fathom how much twenty of them would sell for.

Omega happily agreed to follow Wrecker further into the heavy artillery area. A grin ghosted my lips at the thought of Wrecker with those torpedoes. If I was not headed up to the bridge, I would have greatly stayed behind to witness such a sight. Tech, however requested my assistance after he had been up there for a bit. It was not hard to locate him. Even though he was stationed underneath the main control panels. I rested my feet a few inches from his knees, taking in the familiarity of the bridge.

Thinking, it was strange being back inside one of these ships. So much of my life was lived on these. From my days as eager padawan to the endless pranks me and the 501st played on one another and Anakin.

"Onyx". The calling of my name, jolted me.

"Sorry, Tech. You needed my assistance?"

"We are in luck. Whoever scuttled this ship did not wipe the hardware's data". Tech enlightened.

"That's good news. Would have been difficult, otherwise, to transfer the files". Tech paused for a split second before continuing again. Most likely caught off guard by my understanding of what he was going about.

"Yes well, I still need to copy the master drive".

"Say no more, Tech I'll get right to it". I couldn't help but smirk to myself in success, as I made my way to the panel it was located on. It often brought a sense of great pleasure to myself when I could figure out what Tech was up to and beat him to the punch.

He was so used to being the only one smart enough to understand what he was talking about. Having someone who finally understood him in a way, beyond his brothers capacity must have new to him. But he appeared to be handling it well. Or at least what he was letting on.

He was giving the impression that he was handling us well too. At least I think he was. I couldn't tell. He didn't seem to be giving off any conflicting emotions. Then again he didn't give off much emotions. Not that it was a bad thing. It was how he approached life. Not everyone was as in tuned with their feelings. Some didn't know how to deal with them. Tech wasn't like that either. He dealt with things his own way. It made him who he was. He was just different. And being different wasn't a bad thing.

       Something blinking out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. A red console light was lighting up rapidly. Never a good sign. Especially on a decommissioned cruiser. The placement of the button caused the alarm bells in my head to go off. I nudged Tech with my foot.

"The proximity sensor is going off". I explained as he stood up.

"It is most likely a short circuit". He suggested.

No. It was something else. A distance yet recognizable feeling swallowed me up. I knew this aura, but it was masked. Tech still had not moved from his spot. I could feel his eyes still locked onto me.

"Am I incorrect?"

I shook my head, unsure of what happening. "I...somethings off".

Tech's gentle caress of his fingers against my arm sent a shiver down my spine. Calming me down, if just for a minute.

"You are certain?"


A ship roared overhead. I was right. It was only a matter of time before the scrapper guild found us again. However this was not one of their ships. At least from the one I encountered. Tech tensed up slightly. He recognized that particular vessel.

My brilliant cyar'ika ~~ Tech x OC Where stories live. Discover now