Chapter 7

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       Hunter sitting in the chair next to me, with his chest wrapped up was what greeted me as I sat up. I groaned, clutching my side still in pain. His eyes shot open.

    "Good to see you awake". I barely heard the pain in his voice as I took in his appearance. What the hell had happened to him? Hunter's eye met where mine were looking.


    "I got shot". My eyes widened. What the hell?!? Shot?!

    "By who?"

     "Cad Bane". Echo answered coming into the room. If my eyes could have widened anymore they would have popped out of my head.

    "Why the hell was he there?" I answered on edge now. Why was a bounty hunter after them? And why would he...

Oh please no....

Fear laced my body.

   "Where is Omega?"

Distress clearly detected in my voice. Both Echo and Hunter exchanged a look. One I did not like in the slightest. Hunter averted his gaze away from me. He clearly wasn't taking this well. Not that I blamed him. He was shot after all! Unfortunately, Cad Bane was as skilled as they came. He was a struggle to take down even for a Jedi. There was no way Hunter would have lasted against him.

     "Will get her back, Hunter. It's what we do". I reassured him. "All things considered, you did what you could. Cad bane is no joke. He's a seriously excellent bounty hunter. Trust me".

Echo chuckled. "Speaking from personal experience".

I groaned. "That I am". Hunter looked between the two of us.

    "You've had experience with him?"

I nodded, swinging my legs over.

    "I had a few run ins with him. The worst one being him taking me as his".
My skin shivered just at the thought of it.

   "Pet?" A hint of anger in Hunter's voice.

   "If he saw something pretty he, like most bounty hunters would take it for themselves". A smirked pulled at my lips. "Lucky for me he didn't realize I was a Jedi that time. He got a pretty nasty scar from my saber. So I got my revenge"

Hunter laughed at that. "Then I guess he got what he deserved".

I nodded. "More then once. Now if you boys will excuse me I'm going to try tracking Omega".

    "You can do that?" Hunter asked take a back. I smiled.

   "I can...or at least try. I'm not sure how far her force energy is from here, but if I can get a lock on a quadrant then that should narrow it down". I informed them.

    "I'll leave you to it then". Hunter said getting up from his seat and exiting the room. I closed my eyes and got into position. Under normal circumstances this would have been easy, however with the still lingering pain in my side, it was going to be slightly more difficult. However, for Omega I would push through the pain. Finding and getting her back on the ship was more important.

      I let my mind focus on her specific energy signature. Tuning out all other sources and just letting it flow through me. I had no clue if I would be able to find her, but I had to try. It was the least I could do. To not only ease my state of mind, but the others. Omega had quickly grown to be an important and valued member of this team. She was their sister after all, and mine too. Rescuing her safely from Bane was top priority.


    I had not noticed that Echo was still in the room. His energy had always been a comfort to me. Maybe he was fueling my need for focus. Either way I knew what he wanted to discuss. While, now wasn't the ideal time I figured he needed to have his questions answered sooner rather then later. To ease his mind.

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