Chapter 9

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According to Echo the mission was deemed a success. Though I knew he was still conflicted about helping out a Separatist Senator. Still he saw how the even a former enemy cared about his peoples well being. It never was easy to see things from a different approach, but he did his best and in doing so he gained new insight. That was true success.

Omega was happy to have them all back. Mostly due to the fact that they next mission she'd have a better chance of being allowed to go. She was happy to tell Hunter that her time here was more fun then she originally thought. She relied all about the stories I told her. From meeting the group, to my first few missions with them. They all seemed happy to see that I was sharing memories with her. Wrecker was more then pleased to add in fun quips. Especially centered towards his not so single brother. He made it a habit to tease him at any change he could get.

Tech, however was not ambushed by it. Hunter wasn't the most thrilled at the still lingering crowd. After my tales to Omega, Cid had taken it upon herself to show her how to play dejarik. I wasn't the best at it. Omega, on the other hand picked it up quite well and soon enough a crowd was gathering down inside the parlor.

"Relax bandanna, she managed to pay off the debt you boys owe me". Cid remarked as she, with staff in hand walked off.

"She was an excellent player". I added, elbowing Hunters side. He shouldn't have been so hard on her. She was just a child after all and she had been stuck in the same place her whole life. Like them, she was still learning. He seemed to realize his harsh words.

"You really paid off our debt?"

Omega nodded, nervously. "I just wanted to be useful".

"And you are Omega. Never forget that". I reminded her. Hunter was lost in thought, thinking over something before he responded.

"How about we put those strategy skills to the test? One match. If you win, then no more sitting out on mission". He promised her. Omega wasted no time. She rushed to her seat in front of the game board.

"You ready for this?"

A smirk clear as day across her face, "Are you?" She asked as he sat down opposite of her.

With those two preoccupied and the others standing around watching, I figured now was as best as any time to pull Tech away from the group so we could have a chance to talk. I grabbed hold of his hand, pulling his attention away from the group. The ship seemed the best place to talk. Seeing as how the others wouldn't be back in it for some time.

Unbeknownst to us, our exit had been noticed by Hunter. He just chuckled to himself. Hoping that his ship was just as nice as it had been when they landed.

"Is everything alright". Tech questioned me as we made our way onboard. I let out a breath I had been holding back and sat down in the copilot chair.

This wasn't going to be easy to talk about, especially for Tech. this weren't his strong suit, but I at least wanted to vocalize what I was feeling to him. Even if he just listened, it would be better then him not knowing at all. Tech took the pilot seat and set down his helmet.

"Your not injured are you?" My silence speaking his worries.

I shook my head. "No. I'm not injured". Tech signed in relief.

"That is most excellent to hear then. However, from your posture there does indeed appear to be something wrong".

I reached out, taking his hands in mine. "When you confessed to me, Tech, you said that I was...well that I was a distraction to you".

My brilliant cyar'ika ~~ Tech x OC Where stories live. Discover now