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The clink of metal against metal reverberates in the air as Dahlia and I engage in our friendly sparring session.

Dahlia's skills with the sword are impressive, an indication to her dedication and discipline. But I've been honing my skills more and more as of late, and our matches are always an exhilarating challenge. As we spar, the world around us fades, and there's only the sound of our breaths, the rhythm of our movements, and the thrill of the fight.

I catch a glimpse of Lady Regina on the sidelines, her expression inscrutable as she observes our match. She's seated comfortably, a cup of tea in her hand, an elegant contrast to the intensity of our training.

I slide back when I'm caught off guard. "Devious."

"Opportunistic." Dahlia corrects. Her swift strike forces me to slide back only for a moment before I'm ferociously pushing against her.

As the spar continues, I find myself lost in the exhilaration of the fight. Each swing of the sword, each calculated move, is a symphony of skill and strategy. Dahlia's footwork is impeccable, and her strikes are precise. And I tell her as much.

She gives me a look as if she's not pleased. "Hardly impeccable when I can't even get even a nick on you, my lady." She slams her sword onto me.

I slide back from the strike, holding the sharp end of the sword onto my gloved palm. There's a taunting smile on my lips. "Take praise where it is due."

Dahlia chuckles, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Indeed," she responds, a playful glint in her voice. "I'm sure you're not one to give compliments lightly."

We continue for a little while longer.

The familiarity of our sparring sessions is a comfort, a reminder of the bond we've cultivated over time. Dahlia's presence in my life has brought me a sense of companionship that I never thought possible within the confines of nobility. Or anywhere.

As the spar reaches its climax, we both step back. The energy in the air is charged, a testament to the intensity of our engagement. She wipes a bead of sweat from her brow, offering me a small nod of acknowledgment. I return it with a grin, and we lower our swords, the battle concluded.

We head to Lady Regina, who welcomes us with a gracious smile. "You've been at this for hours, and you've both hardly lost a sweat." She observes, a glint of surprise in her eyes. Along side awe....and something else I don't identify before it vanishes.

...envy? We're engaging in conversation before I can think more of it.

Seated around a small table, cups of tea in hand, the atmosphere is relaxed. We discuss various topics, from recent events in the city to the intricacies of court politics. I find that I enjoy speaking to them about the functionings of the empire. There is some gossip laced here and there, but I find it just as amusing.

As the conversation flows, I notice a change in Lady Regina's demeanour. Her gaze seems distant, her thoughts momentarily elsewhere. It's a subtle shift, but one that doesn't escape my notice. I exchange a brief glance with Dahlia, and we both adjust the tone of our conversation, giving Lady Regina the space she seems to need.

Dahlia's eyes seem to say 'she'll speak when she's ready.'

Dahlia's voice continues to fill the air with anecdotes and observations, yet my attention remains on Lady Regina. She seems so entrenched in her thoughts. I find myself wondering about what's distracting her so much she'd go against the decorums of tea parties and practically forget her friends are here with her.

As the conversation lulls, I seize the opportunity to engage her directly. "Is something on your mind, Lady Regina?" I ask calmly, my tone respectful. "You seem lost in thought."

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now