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As I stand outside the gates of the Sinclair estate, gazing up at the darkening sky, a sense of unease settles within me. The air grows heavy, charged with a palpable energy that mirrors the turmoil within. The storm clouds gather ominously, casting a shadow over the sprawling estate, and I know deep down that I am the catalyst for this dark weather.

A surge of emotions swirls within me, threatening to breach the carefully constructed walls I have built around my heart. It is the news of my mother's impending arrival that stirs this inner turmoil, tugging at the corners of my composure. I am all too aware of the magic that is intricately intertwined with my emotions, manifesting itself in the very fabric of the weather.

Six had described it perfectly when she said my ability resembled a tempest.

I have been honing my control, locking away the reactions that rages within. But sometimes, even the strongest barriers falter, and the turbulence leaks out. In those moments, the skies mirror the storm brewing in my soul, an outward expression of the turmoil I dare not reveal.

With a steely resolve, I take a deep, displeased breath, grounding myself in the present moment. Whilst the memories of this body are weighing me down just when I am beginning to get used to them, I find that the unease of not knowing what's to come is what's causing me more of a problem.

As the first drops of rain splatter, I lock away the tumultuous emotions, securing them deep within my core. It is an easy effort for me to not display it on my face, but I find solace in knowing that I can secretly let it out through the weather. It gives me relief.

"My lady." Six and I stand side by side, the air between us suffocating. Her voice cuts through the silence, laden with concern. "What is your plan?" she asks, her eyes fixed on the approaching storm and the imminent arrival of my mother without judgement.

I sigh, the weight of uncertainty pressing upon me. "I would be pleased if I had a clear answer." I reply, my voice tinged with frustration. "Dealing with my mother is one thing, but the presence of my half sister complicates matters."

I cast a glance towards the distant horizon, where the carriages carrying my mother and her daughter draw nearer with each passing moment.

"I harbour no illusions about my mother," I continue, voicing my inner thoughts to her. "She has shown nothing but cruelty and inflicted misery no parent should ever dole. Part of me would have no qualms about severing ties with her completely. But I cannot act recklessly, not when there is an innocent child involved."

I turn to face Six, my gaze steady. "This little girl, my half sister, whilst I have no doubts that my mother tortures her like she did me, it would certainly be traumatic for her to lose her parent all of a sudden." She's most likely attached to her and suddenly taking that away may cause more harm than good. Killing her is most definitely not a choice...

Six nods, her expression understanding. "So, what is your plan? How do you intend to navigate this delicate situation?"

A wry smile tugs at the corners of my lips as I consider her question. "I unfortunately lack an answer right now. It would make things easier if I could get rid of her entirely. She will most likely make this stay, no matter how short, extremely problematic." I'm most certainly not looking forward to the havoc she will cause to what little peace I've been granted in this household.

Six whispers to me. "I've prepared everything you asked. You planned ahead for her arrival. I'm sure that will lessen the damages. Surely." I'm sure that even she can definitely hear how hopeful she sounds, but I suppose with what I've told her about our oncoming guest, I'm not surprised.

As the carriages come to a halt before us, the sound of hooves on the wet ground echoes through the air. The coachman dismounts from his horse and heads to open the doors. The grand entrance of my mother unfolds before me. Her gown, adorned with intricate embroidery, billows around her like a cloud. Her baby blue hair, an unnatural hue, matches her false facade of affection and care. She steps out fully, an imposing figure in the sense that her mere presence suffocating.

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now