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Seated comfortably in the privacy of my chambers, I engage in a heartfelt conversation with Six. She's dressed in a light, flowing cream robe, her mask still displayed on her face. I've noticed that she's gotten used to since putting it on. Now it's a permanent part of her.

I sigh as the aroma of freshly brewed tea fills the air, its comforting presence a balm to my senses.

As I delicately cradle the porcelain teacup, Six's gaze meets mine, concern etched upon her features. It dawns upon us that the significant development of my manifestation will inevitably alter the course of my life, thrusting me into the intricate realm of high society much earlier than anticipated.

I planned to keep my ability a secret but it seems some things are out of my control.

"It seems I must prepare for an official social debut," I remark, my voice tinged with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. "Traditionally, young ladies make their debut at the age of eighteen, but my manifestation has hastened this process."

Six nods understandingly, her gaze gentle yet attentive. "Indeed, my lady. It is a significant shift, and it brings both opportunities and challenges. Your presence among high society will draw attention, merely because of your ability. More so considering the family you're from."

I take a sip of the warm tea, its soothing warmth providing a moment of respite. "I am aware of the expectations that accompany such a debut," I reply, my tone resolute. "But, I also have other plans to make sure everything is a success. An unfortunate situation as this may be, I have every intention of taking advantage of it."

Six offers a reassuring smile, amusement glimmering in her eyes. "I have no doubt that you will, my lady."

As I share my thoughts and intentions with Six, we delve into the strategic aspects of my upcoming social debut. Sipping my tea, I consider the importance of forging connections with the next generation of young ladies from prominent families.

It becomes apparent that a carefully planned gathering, a party of sorts, could serve as the perfect opportunity to not only introduce myself but also begin to foster beneficial relationships for the future.

"I believe it would be advantageous to host a gathering for these young ladies," I propose, my voice filled with conviction. "A tea party, perhaps, where I can personally introduce myself. Most if not all of these daughters will have yet to debut, and showing them that I value them before they even enter high society will be useful."

"By extending an invitation to the young ladies of future influence, you create a space for networking and establishing connections. Is there a specific reason you wish to gather them? Beyond getting to know them?"

A sense of purpose fills the air as I envision the possibilities. "During the gathering, I plan to share with them and allow them to be the first to know of my plans."

Six seems surprised. "Is that wise? Won't the whispers that get out hinder your attempts?"

"No." I assure her, crossing my legs and placing a palm on my knee. "Because everything will already be set up before that tea party."

As we continue to plan, Six offers valuable insights and suggestions, assisting in refining the details of the gathering. Having also been a noble daughter, she understands how these situations work.

While acknowledging that I possess the strength and abilities to navigate the world on my own, I recognize the importance of alliances and support. These young ladies, with the potential for societal influence and connections, offer me the opportunity to possess an iron fist in the high society, and through genuine relationships, I can secure my position while also expanding my horizons.

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now