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I look up from the pile of documents spread out on my desk as Six enters the room, her presence a welcome interruption to the tedious task of sifting through paperwork. I adjust my posture, leaning back in my chair, and give her my full attention.

"Is something the matter, Six?" I inquire, my tone neutral but tinged with curiosity. I can already anticipate the mention of Solaris, and the inevitable report on my mother's reaction to the opulence of her surroundings.

Six, ever efficient, wastes no time in providing me with the necessary updates. "The little lady is now asleep, resting comfortably in her designated chambers," she begins, her voice calm and composed. "As for Lady Imelda, she seemed pleased with the extravagance of her accommodations. She's taken an interest in exploring the estate and its surroundings."

A faint sigh escapes my lips as I process the information. Solaris, will take time adjusting to this new environment, unaware of the complexities that lie beneath the surface. I hope that she finds solace and safety within these walls, far removed from the tumultuous world she's no doubt lived in until now.

And then there's my mother Imelda, a woman whose priorities always lean towards opulence and the pursuit of personal gain. Her pleasure at the grandeur of her quarters doesn't surprise me. I purposefully had it prepared in such a manner, knowing her vanity and relentless pursuit of material wealth. She'd otherwise be a pain and a headache i would have no way of relieving.

I lean forward, resting my elbows on the desk, and interlace my fingers, contemplating the situation at hand. The arrival of my mother and half sister has most definitely disrupted the carefully orchestrated balance within our estate, even if we're residing in a separate palace, and I have every intention to make sure Imelda doesn't mix with the arch duchess.

"Thank you, Six," I finally respond, my voice steady and focused. "Keep a close eye on them both. We have to make sure their needs are met, but be vigilant. Trust is a luxury we can ill afford in these circumstances." I tap my finger on the desk, in thought. "I have yet to understand why she's decided to come back after all this time. Judging by her dress, she isn't strapped for luxury."

I lean back in my chair, staring out of the window as my mind delves into why my mother's suddenly reappeared in my life. The question lingers on my lips, and I voice it aloud, contemplating the possible motives behind her return."Why do you think she has come back?" I ask, my voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. I turn my gaze towards my trusted companion, seeking her perspective on the matter.

Six takes a moment to consider the question before offering her insight. "Perhaps she seeks to regain a foothold in high society again," she suggests, her tone measured and analytical. "After all, your father holds a significant position, and aligning herself with him could potentially elevate her standing."

I ponder her words, the implications of such an alliance with Lord Lucien. It wouldn't be the first time my mother has attempted to grasp onto the coattails of the powerful, seeking to bask in their glory. However, memories of her previous humiliation surface, a bitter reminder of her failed attempts to cling to the Arch Duke.

"True," I murmur, my voice filled with a hint of bitterness. "But I've seen how that ended before. She was publicly humiliated, her ambitions laid bare for all to witness. No matter how ambitious, she knows she can't come between the arch duke and duchess." In fact, she hoped my existence would do such a thing, but even that didn't work.

Six nods in agreement, her gaze steady and unwavering. "Indeed, my Lady. It is unlikely that she would repeat the same mistakes. There must be another motive driving her actions."

I fall silent, deep in thought, as memories of my mother's manipulations and deceit resurface. Imelda has always been driven by self-interest and the pursuit of an abundance of wealth. Her motivations are often shrouded in secrecy, hidden behind a veil of calculated charm to make sure she gets what she wants with minimal issues.

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora